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I check the flashlight for batteries and slip it into the pocket of my hoodie, pulling the beanie tighter onto my ears as i slip out the door. 

For the last two weeks i've been basically living with the boys at the apartment, but tonight i told them i didn't feel well and wanted to sleep in my old bed. 

They agreed quicker than i would have thought, it almost hurt a little how easily they let me go. 

Maybe it doens't matter to them if i'm there or not. 

I shook my head, knowing i didn't need the risk of having them hear me leave.

The corridor lights and heating is turned off at night, so i leave my flashlight in my pocket and slip into the the dark hallway. 

The cameras see nothing, but neither do i as i feel my way along the ice cold metal walls. I count the turns in my head, avoiding the lit corners and staying in the shadows as best i can.

 I reach the end of what i know from my previous nights exploration and head down the only hall i had yet to go down since coming here.

My footsteps echo softly as i reach a four way split, i decide to take the hall that slopes slightly up. 

After learning we were underground here from Trevor i started to wonder where the exit was, feeling like an idiot for not having wondered sooner.

 The exit was apparently closer than i'd thought all this time.

I walk until my legs start to feel sore, and just when i start to wonder if i'm just walking in a huge circle i see a red light illuminate a heavy door. I notice no cameras and wonder what could be behind it, that it needs to be left without evidence of it's existence. 

I approach slowly, listening for anything coming from the other side before peeking through the long window. It's a garage hangar, with all kinds of jeeps and small aircraft. I smile, realizing i may have found a way out.

 Small pieces of a plan had begun to form in the back of my mind, and as i retrace my steps down the slope it develops into something more solid.

When i finally reach the split i hear voices, panicking i hide against my wall at the corner and try to figure out which direction it's coming from. A light shines from the direction i came from and i curse softly before quickly running down the corridor in front of me, praying they didn't notice my shadow.

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