Leaving and Draft

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*One Month Later*

"You're going to remember me once you're a big star in the NHL right?"

"Of course Riles, how could I forget you? I'll definitely miss you though," Beau told me while we were in the airport.

"I'll miss you too," I said hugging him and giving him a kiss in the cheek.

I watched his plane fly off and headed home.

*2 Years Later, the NHL Draft*

"Our pick is Beau Bennett."

"Woohoo!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!" I yelled with my mom and dad.

We called Beau and congratulated him. He couldn't talk long because of interviews, which was understanding. He and I talked either on the phone or through text every chance we could.

It was hard with my exams and his games but we tried to make it work.

To be continued...

Beau Bennett Imagine (#19 of Pittsburgh Penguins)Where stories live. Discover now