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I looked up. All the boys smiled.

"Bear?" I said standing up.

"Hey Riles," he smiled.

I ran to him and gave him a huge hug. He picked me up, laughing.

The rest of the guys laughed, "Look how cute, they have nicknames for each other."

I blushed, "So Beau, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you to your new job. From today on, you're the new Penguins physical therapist," he said smiling.

I smiled too, "That's why Coach wouldn't tell me where I was going. I love all of you guys. Thanks everyone."

"This is your going away party too," Carter said pulling me away from Beau and to a big cake.

I smiled, "This looks so yummy!!!!!!"

We all ate the cake and I said a tearful goodbye to the whole team.

Since I had a few too many drinks, Beau grabbed my car keys and we drove to my small apartment.

*The Next Morning*

I smelt a delicious smell and walked out of my room in a Kings shirt and boy shorts.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Beau cooking, "Whatcha cooking good looking?" I laughed.

"Wow, that was lame," he said turning around, "I'm making bacon and eggs."

"Smells good, but why so early?" I asked.

"We needed an early start, so we can get all your stuff together for the move," he said.

"Okay I'm excited and nervous," I said.

Beau set the food out and we ate. He already grabbed boxes from the store. I told him to pack the stuff in the kitchen while I showered.

I ended up calling my parents and they understood, however they were out of town so couldn't see me off.

Beau and I packed a lot of things, but I wasn't leaving for another few days. We mailed the boxes to Beau's place in Pittsburgh.

It was my last night in California and Beau and I watched a movie on my laptop while eating Chinese food.

I had a mattress still so we were going to just sleep on that, "Will you help me look for apartments when we get there?"

"You're moving in with me, no need for an apartment," he told me.

"I'll just get in the way," I said.

"Nope, I've made up my mind on that," Beau said, "Now let's go to sleep."

The next day we packed the rest of my things and Beau packed his suitcase. We were picked up by Doughty and he was going to give my keys to my parents. I thanked him and hugged him and walked into the airport with Beau.

To be continued...

Beau Bennett Imagine (#19 of Pittsburgh Penguins)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora