I Finally Get My Chance To End My Little Cousin:

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Okay so i am totally ready to try & do this again *and cause i wanna do it so desperately, so yeah but yet in the same world & place as before....besides without my little sister there to ruin it for the second time by saving my little cousin yet again....otherwise i'm sure to go hysterically insane with him still around here in the freaking mansion (like seriously what the hell is her problem with him anyway, my baby sis rescuing my damn victim from his terrible fate?!?! i am not happy with your decision like at all Terry!!!!!!) bugging the SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA outta me all day long & every single night whenever i ain't in a good mood for his annoying worthless little dumb-@$$, cause i still hate him, since his just a dummy relative in my life now!!!!!* "hey Jeffrey i need your help with a spree in the human world-----but don't worry since it's not a trick or anything-----and we need to go starting now cause this is an emergency LIKE SERIOUSLY COME ON ALREADY!!!!!!" i said while faking my polite tone, so that he would fall into my evil plan to get rid of him (for good!) "fine since you asked me so nicely for a reasonable change.....but just for a few minutes i hope!!!!!!" he told me. "Whatever the hell you say, a few minutes it is.....but it's just most certainly this once that your going on a killing spree with me i swear to you on my life!!!!!!!" i replied icily after i crossed my arms. (Damn idiot thinks i'm not going to kill him next after this, well your freaking wrong about that------and yeah this was not only 'an emergency' killing spree------i have lied about this not being a trick and my little cousin believed it. which still proves how stupid he is. haha what a freaking dummy little childish jerk he is!!!!!!) then we headed out for the 'human world' and the only stuff that i would always bring with me before & during my sprees are; my favorite rusty steel and jade sword, a lot of empty potion bottles in case if i need to satisfy & help to decrease my blood-lust, some cloths if i need to wipe off dried-up blood stains from my weapons after cleaning them up from a river or lake after stopping by one, & last but not least any kind of stones for sharpening up my weapons after whatever: 'i probably might regret doing this.....but i won't exactly care one single bit, because i would have wanted this for every single apparent reason.....also for myself, my husband & our kids, & of course my siblings as well-----but anyways i had absolutely no interests or whatever else for loving my little cousin anymore cause he had always been a pain in the @$$ for me, but it's just his brother that i do love more cause we get along way better and other stuff like that!!!!!!' i told myself in my mind, then just nodded in agreement with my inner conscious: (time-skip to the aftermath of me & my little cousin's killing spree, now it's exactly time for my plan to make it's presence known, YAY oh goody:) "well then since we're finished at last-----can we go back home now-----please cousin love?" Jeff said to me but in question "fine then....but just don't complain about being lazy when you & me arrive back there....cause you do know that it will drive me crazy!!!!!" i told him while i growled after stretching because i was totally exhausted like heck after that spree. 'Now that his back is turned away from you, i dare you to dig that sword into his flesh.....and go deep until his last breath fades away.....but don't you wipe off those blood stains though okay!' my conscious replied to me and i've nodded in response. *another time-skip:* "i-i'm sorry about everything that i have done behind your back------including the stupid incident as well------and i had always loved you though you've had never accepted it or even returned the same favor back, my brother, our parents, & everybody else also including your little sister.....Terry no m-ma-matter what.....so now i understand why my own cousin love was always being such a mean bully------please forgive me!!!!!!" my little cousin said as he was not only choking & gagging on his own blood and everything else like that. but also spitting them back up while his last breaths, heart and pulse beats where slowing down, his eyes starting to go blurry & turning all pitch black, and last but not least he was definitely slowly beginning to lose his life which is fading at a very certain but same type of limit-----and something weird happened-----he placed a hand on my left face cheek then quietly whispered "just please whatever you do, don't you dare forget about me.....cousin love because no matter what the hell may happen, just remember that i love y-you guys.....okay?!?!" then i nodded and a few little uninvited tears wildly fell off my face & down onto the ground. after that i mumbled "i'm terribly sorry for this.....cousin sweetheart i really didn't wanna do it like at all seriously, but you pushed me offa the damned freaking edge for goodness sakes!!!!!!" softly right back. then i couldn't stop crying or tryna control my tears on the way back to the mansion; and everybody saw them coming down. including Silver and our kids as well. *so they all immediately figured out what had just happened!* so everybody tried whatever they can to calm down and comfort me until i couldn't shed anymore tears and finally stop crying, which kind of took all of them just about 20 hours long; *even my older cousin Liu was trying his best to comfort me.....wow talk about the love of older cousins and siblings together huh? cause it's only the oldest cousin who can help out with the oldest sibling as much if they love one another, get along with & look out for each-other no matter what....while the younger cousin though?!?! not so much as it gets even worse when the sibling hates their younger cousin with a bleeding passion and for all their life until they both die one day after the first person does, be it older sibling or younger cousin!!!!!!* "shhh it's okay now, you don't have to cry anymore cause it's not your fault....cousin dearest!!!!!!" my older cousin told me while making the 'shush' gesture towards me as he gently rubbed my shoulders and ruffled my pink hair which made me blush in embarrassment and hid my face in my hands. "thanks everyone for comforting me, i deeply appreciate it....i'm feeling a little better now!!!!!!" i said after getting over my embarrassment rather quickly; "oh it's nothing...."

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