Part 5:

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I had just found out about my parents today. after i told my baby sister Terry and the others about my new home and family. they where actually on a holiday while leaving all of us alone: but luckily enough though i have my very own family to take great care of at last (it's what i have been dreaming so much of happening to me in my whole life, and now it has finally came true only ever since i had met Silver for the first-ever time!!!!!!) "oh jeez she's day-dreaming again, do you guys actually see this going on?????" Navin asked the others "yes we do see this going on, but i don't really think we should bother her or get in the way of her life decisions....cause i've seen the most horrible things in which case that she has done to anybody who dares to make her angry!!!!!!" Elina the cannibal sister told him very nervously. (while nervously chattering on her nails and looking more afraid & nervous of what she thinks of me....her very own sister of course!!!!!!) "yeah so am i as well, Elina just as you are-----but how can you blame a vampire like our sister anyways-----it's not like she cares about anything else too much but her very own friends and family, and that's probably it!!!!!!" Terry explained to her "and i saw her kill Jeff after they had an emergency killing spree together, before she just simply broke down crying right after that happened!!!!!" Elina replied "Uh-oh she's not gonna like this....when she finds out about it!" Navin whispered; "Y'all would probably be damn right if she did find out!!!!!" Denise said "shush Denise, i really don't wanna deal with you right please just keep quiet & stay back there for now until i'm ready!" Terry growled as she made the shush gesture at her. (and pointed at the back of her mind, meaning that she wants Denise to stay there until she was ready enough to deal with her!!!!!) "HMPH fine i'll go back inside there, but don't you say that i don't like it as much!!!!!!" Denise replied while she disappeared. "Phew she's gone now, and i'm sorry if she caused any trouble for you guys....and besides Denise is grumpy whenever she gets upset as well!!!!!!" Terry said to Navin & Elina

I'm A Bigger Deal Then Ever: *Related To 14 Days, & I'm In Love With A Monster!*Where stories live. Discover now