Familiar Voices!

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Okay so tonight i have been hearing voices, *it has been happening to me ever since the day i snuck out and ran away from home way back then with my older cousin, it's kind of weird though now that i think about it!!!!!!* but now i think it has been getting to me and i cannot seem to make it go away, one sounds like a man & the other is a lady (wait for a minute-----are these guys who i think it is???? let's go try and find out!!!!!) "A-aunty....U-uncle? is that you guys i'm speaking to right now?!?!" i asked while beginning to stutter like an idiot: *which i probably am one for not recognizing these very familiar voices that i do know and love only ever since after the day i was born & met both of them any sooner, and yeah i definitely think so about it!!!!!!* 'yes my dear it's us, how are you doing?' my aunty said back to me but in question "i'm fine thanks for asking....but let me guess, how is this even possible anyway?!?!" i told her but in question while getting blurry and watery eyes, my heart beginning to crack in half & it finally has broken into a million little pieces, and my lips where quivering like i was about to start crying because i could finally communicate with and see my Aunty & Uncle at last: 'oh no please don't cry Steph, it just doesn't make us feel any better when we see our dear niece crying....' my uncle told me and hugged me. and then it has made my aunty join in with our hugging session. (in which kinda made me feel better now, since i'm finally getting to feel them hugging me again like it used to be for us!!!!!) "Oh goodness i'm sorry guys, i know that you both don't like it when i am upset or crying....but i'm still quite very surprised cause i actually might've thought i could never see or even speak to you both anymore, o-only since that one day a long long time ago!!!!!" i replied to both of them and kept on saying that i loved and wanted to see & speak to them whenever i was lonely, upset, or anything else like that....and they said that i would & always will even if everybody else can't. (except for my family members, friends, also including my siblings and kids, and yes even my favorite older cousin too!!!!!!) "it looks like we have to go now, but please don't you dare worry about it cause we'll see you again soon!!!!!" my aunty said while she gently kissed my forehead and gave me a tight hug then my uncle did the same thing as well, before they disappeared into thin air while they waved good-bye to me & i did too with lots of unexpected tears beginning to form and wildly flowing down my face onto the ground: "i hope to meet you guys again soon as well, so please don't keep me waiting forever okay????? thanks Aunty & Uncle Woods!!!!!!" i told myself quietly but in question while i wiped away my now dried up tears and gave a sad looking smile towards the sky. then i walked back inside sniffling and trying so hard not to let anybody see my tears flowing down like a waterfall of sadness, broken-heart, and painful memory of the day i had found out and gotten so afraid of what my little cousin has done: "damn it why start kicking in right now after i have finally met with and spoke to my Aunty & Uncle Woods after all these weeks & months i've been imagining and seeing their crystal glass clear ghostly figures, hearing and speaking to their voices, and meeting eye-to-eye with their faces during the night when i'm asleep & dreaming of the day when i could finally meet and communicate with the both of them like i've wished so much for in my whole undead life?!?!" i asked myself while starting to get angry now: 'hey aren't you forgetting about me too, cousin love?????' i heard another familiar male voice in my mind and i quickly figured out who it was, after seeing his clear ghostly figure appearing right in front of me: "oh great it's him, my so-called little cousin Jeffrey has came back from the dead to annoy the hell outta me again!!!!!!" i growled angrily while baring my bloody vampire fangs at Jeff and crossed my arms while turning on the other side away from him. & even rolled my eyes behind his back as well; 'jeez and i had thought you where gonna be happy to hear of and see me again, and probably even say hi to your little cousin too Steph!!!!!' Jeff said to me "nope that still isn't going to happen, and then i had actually thought you where gonna leave me the hell alone right after i killed you during that one spree JEFFREY DAMN WOODS....but look at who came back again, so there is no point in greeting or saying i love you to each other anymore!!!!!!" i told him 'are you still mad at me because of.....you know.....that one very certaint incident a long long time ago?????' he said to me but in question "YES I AM STILL FREAKING MAD AT YOU FOR THAT, NOW GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND NEVER COME BACK NEAR ME, MY FAMILY OR MY KIDS EVER AGAIN!!!!!!" i yelled at him. 'fine i will go now, but don't expect anything back from me after that!!!!!' he told me "i don't care about what you mean by that-----just go already cause i never wanna see your pale ugly scar face again Jeffrey!!!!!!!" i snarled and threw a rock at him getting him to finally disappear for good! 'Don't you dare to ever come back near here or else i will personally do something to you!' i growled. then finally heard nothing else but silence at last. "oh good peace and quiet at last!" i snarled to myself

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