Part 7:

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So tonight i am just going on a walk and lurking around the woods, all on my own of course....because i have nothing else better to do inside of the mansion anyway....then as (SOON) as i came outta the darkness i heard something in a bush that sounded like a small animal crying and howling in more then just sadness, so i've decided to investigate the sound-----and you wanna know exactly what i had just found? a cute little wolf pup and it looks like he was about a couple of weeks old, and has grey fur with sky blue-ish eyes that glows in the dark, i thought he was pretty adorable too "hey there little buddy, are you hurt and lost in here?!?!" i asked then he made a soft little whimper letting me know that it meant 'yes' which made my cold-blooded & stoney heart melt; so i carefully picked him up and went back into the mansion and took very good care of him "so what exactly should i name you, sweetie?????" i asked the little pup that i've taken in as my own "woof woof!!!!!" he said to me "do you like the name Sammy?!?!" i told him but in question then he barked happily and nodded. "yeah that's what i thought, i like it as well as you do....honey!!!!!!" i replied back as i was petting him softly. "mom what is that your holding and petting in your lap?" Kenny asked me "it's a wolf pup that i had just found in the woods during my night-time walk, so i have decided to adopt him and keep him as my very own please i'd like for you to be nice to my little furball Sammy!!!!!!" i told him as my wolf slowly peeked out and looked at my son. (with a grin that showed his cute little baby fangs!!!!!!) "OKAY i promise that i will try not to hurt your pet wolf, cause it's not my favorite thing at all to be done!!!!!!" he said to me "and i've been wondering if i could show your little sister Laura & your father too, since your sister loves cute things which are smaller then her....." i replied back to him "can i pet him, please mom?!?!" Kenny asked me then i nodded; then i watched as he carefully and softly petted Sammy (with a nervous twitchy finger....) "hey it's okay my boy, he won't bite you cause he doesn't know how just yet!!!!!!" i told him, but after he still pulled his hand away quickly like my sweet wolf pup was going to bite him and Kenny started tearing up and sprinted away to his bedroom. "i told him that my wolf couldn't bite yet, but he still got afraid of poor little Sammy anyway.....what a scaredy-bat!!!!!!" i mumbled to myself (but now i guess that i have found out about my son's greatest fear, which is wolves by the way-----well can't say that i warned Kenny that my sweet little furball Sammy wasn't going to bite him, but he still cannot believe me about it.....let's just say that it was his fault!!!!!!) "it's not like you have rabies or anything like that yet-----because your just a sweet baby wolf yet, how silly is that anyway?!?!?!" i mumbled to myself quietly but in question. and he made a small quiet growl in reply to me. *meaning that he had purred like a kitten of course!* Then i heard a new pair of footsteps walking downstairs, after hearing a bedroom door upstairs being shut softly and very quietly as well and going towards the living room where i was, and i knew it was Laura cause of her clicking heels echoing in the halls and then she actually squealed in joy when she met with my furball Sammy. "Mother is that a baby wolf that your holding in your lap?!?!?!" Laura had asked me in surprise and i nodded in response, "his sooo adorable-------what is his name anyway?!?!" she asked me again "Sammy....and would you like to hold him for a while sweetheart?" i said back to her but in question: "yeah sure thing, i'd love to hold a fluffy and cuddly little animal just like your wolf cub....his really soft like a pillow!!!!!!" Laura told me as she carefully grabbed him from my lap and started to cry while petting him softly, so that it won't hurt my sweet baby furball: (even while hugging him close to herself.) "So how old is your wolf pup, mother?????" Laura had asked me yet again "i'd probably have to say a couple of weeks old sweetie-pie.....i'm pretty sure that he will be a great subject for being trained into what i am!!!!!" i told her

I'm A Bigger Deal Then Ever: *Related To 14 Days, & I'm In Love With A Monster!*Where stories live. Discover now