Before The Incident Happens.

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*FLASH-BACK to when i was only 2 years old and staying at my Aunty & Uncle's place!!!!!* i was visiting my cousins for a sleepover tonight, while my parents and siblings were on a holiday for the whole 10 weeks and this is how my night went; "OKAY it's bedtime you kids!" Aunty said to us "aww man but i'm not sleepy just yet Aunty Woods!!!!" i told her "yeah can we please stay up for a little bit longer mom??????" my favorite older cousin Liu asked her as me and him were giving her the puppy-dog eyes "yeah so can we?!?!" My little cousin Jeff also joined in pleading their mother with us. "Oh alright i guess that you can stay up for another minute!!!!" she told us "YAY!!!!!" all three of us cheered happily and stopped giving pleads for now. *time-skip!* i was trying my hardest for going to sleep but i just couldn't seem to fall asleep on my i had walked over towards my favorite older cousin Liu's bed (more like snuck right over there without any hesitation, because i still won't go near Jeff anytime soon!!!!!!) and gently poked him on the arm to make him wake up "Huh, what's the matter Steph?!?!" Liu asked me after he woke up from getting poked by me "i can't fall asleep....and i'm afraid that i might have a nightmare!" i told him; "don't worry about it, c'mere you can sleep with me tonight cousin dearest!!!!" he replied as he moved over to his right side and patted the empty spot he made for me on the left: "okay i suppose that would make me feel better....thanks a lot cousin Liu!!!!!" i explained with a cute shy blush on my face then laid next to him and we fell asleep: (another time-skip.) i heard a pair of footsteps walking to my cousin's bedroom door then knocking, "Hey guys it's time for breakfast, wake up!!!!!" i notice it as Uncle's voice behind the bedroom door: "oh yeah breakfast time!" my little cousin Jeff said to himself and ran downstairs in excitement after opening and closing the door. "oh yay, it's time for breakfast already!!!!" my older cousin Liu told himself very happily and has just went outta there and joined his brother downstairs....but i still didn't woken up yet cause i wanted to sleep in some more for a couple of seconds longer if my Aunty & Uncle didn't mind it "boys where is your cousin Steph?????" Uncle asked them "oh i think she might still be sleeping, dad!" Liu told him "yeah she is, but i don't wanna provoke her in case she gets mad at me for waking her up again.....because one time i did and she got so mad that she had ended up getting me seriously injured!" Jeff replied apparently sounding nervous and scared, then he heard his brother laughing at his painful story of getting beaten up by me, a girl; (just for tryna wake me up!!!!!!) "can you please go upstairs and remind her to come down here and eat something, Liu?!?!" Aunty said to him kindly but in question "of course mom, i'll do it!" he told her then came back upstairs to get me outta bed for breakfast, "Steph come on please wake up it's time for breakfast, plus our mother said that you should come down and eat with us!!!!" i heard my older cousin telling me "it sounds pretty good right now, i'll be right down in a second!!!!!" i said after waking up and had a good stretch until i heard a crack of my bones, then i came down in absolutely no time at all & in a pretty good mood today as well! "Oh well good morning to you sleepyhead, your finally awake my darling!!!!!" Aunty told me while she hugged me and kissed me on the forehead "good morning Aunty and Uncle, it was actually thanks for my favorite older cousin for waking me up just in time....i would've missed it already if he didn't barge into the bedroom!" i replied and hugged her back "yeah no problem cousin dearest, you had to wake up anyway....even if you didn't wanna!!!!!" he said "nobody has to ask me what i want for breakfast----cause i already do know about what i can decide on!!!!!" i replied "oh yeah what is that anyway, cousin love?!?!" Jeff asked "well that would be some pancakes for me today, please Aunty!!!!!" i replied back and while ignoring my little cousin's question *because i always ignored Jeff's existence whenever his around me....well duh i don't exactly love him so much unlike his brother and parents, cause they spoil me rotten and i love them for all of that!!!!!!* "sure thing my dear!" she told me (time-skip.) "thanks Aunty, that was a good breakfast i ever had...." i explained while putting my now empty dish in the kitchen sink "your welcome sweetie!!!!" she replied back to me "Hey cousin dearest, i've got an idea for you....but we have to leave my brother outta this okay?!?!" Liu said to me but in question "yuppers, i definitely agree on this with as i always have done." i told him then in which made him grab my hand and gently brought me along in a run.

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