The Incident Happens.

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(Another flash-back to after what my older cousin showed me which only includes the both of us and leaving out Jeff!!!!!) "Hey i think we should go back home now before Aunty & Uncle gets worried sick about us, because i'm starting to feel awfully tired right now as well!!!!!" i said to my favorite older cousin Liu very nervously while rubbing my eyes and yawned "yeah i think so too, and plus i agree cause i feel the same way of course!!!!!!" he told me then grabbed my hand gently while we ran all the way back home in quite a rush, (time-skip) i woke up very late at night because i thought i was just hearing strange noises coming from Aunty & Uncle's bedroom (not like that!!!!!!) so i have decided to check it out for myself and see what's going on; *but it was a pretty bad idea cause of the most horrifying thing i've seen right in front of me after walking inside!* "n-no what just happened in here??????" i asked myself while stuttering and i stood there frozen in my spotlight like a statue and covering my own mouth in shock with my eyes wide open and then i couldn't hold it back anymore & started crying so much until i couldn't make anymore tears because of the horrible scene. "i can't believe their dead, and i was just asleep through it all happening....but who did this anyway?!?!" i said to myself again but in question. "It was all because of me.....cousin love and your going to be the next victim of mine if you don't get outta here soon!!!!!" Jeff told me "fine i'll go away for now-----but i swear that when i do come back here one day, you won't be able to hurt me or cousin Liu anymore you damn jerk because we're gonna be much stronger then you are, just you wait and see!!!!!!" i replied back to him "i'll believe it when i see it, but you should really leave here soon....because i don't wanna hurt or kill you too like i have did to them!!!!!" my little cousin told me while he pointed out at the dead bodies. "oh well don't worry about it Jeffrey, your still my cousin even though i never give you much affection or hugs like i used it's not your fault because you snapped and started killing people!!!!!" i replied back to Jeff as i hugged him and went into my room while i started to make some plans for escaping before i ended up like my Aunty & Uncle Woods: "where in the living heck is cousin Liu anyway?!?! i hope that he isn't dead too like Aunty & Uncle Woods!!!!!!" i asked myself quietly while now tearing up like i would never see my favorite relatives or even my older cousin again, but suddenly outta nowhere i felt somebody wiping my tears away gently then i looked back up with a surprised gasp; "hey there cousin dearest....what's the matter, why are you crying?!?!?!" Liu asked me "Oh my gosh i thought you were dead, because i think cousin Jeff might've snapped or something and gone crazy because he killed Aunty & Uncle from behind my back----and i was quite afraid that he might've got you too as well!" i explained to him while sniffing like i was going to cry again. "Hey don't worry about me i'm fine okay, except i do have a couple of scars from struggling and fighting with him!!!!!" he told me as he showed me: (but i just couldn't stare too long, because i would become a blushing mess if i did....ewww oh my goodness, cover up your bloody scars already before i start crying again but much worse please!!!!!!) "oh jeez he did get you pretty good i please let me fix them up for you before they end up getting infected!!!!!!" i said nervously and he nodded softly in response. *time-skip after i had finished giving my older cousin a couple of sewn up stitches on his body and face!* "Oh wow that's amazing, you've done a great job with my stitches....and plus i think you just saved my life before i died Steph!!!!!" My favorite older cousin replied to me as he traced a finger on the stitches from the left softly & then gave me a hug and smiled at me (which made me return the same favor back!!!!!) "no problem....i just couldn't leave you to bleed out & die....could i now?!?!" i said back to him but in question, but i have totally forgot about what my little cousin had told me & my eyes went very wide open with fear and surprise. "What's the matter, why are you so afraid now Steph?!?!" Liu asked me "u-umm because Jeff told me that i would be his next victim if i don't leave here soon, and i've just wasted some of my precious time already by saving your life and i was tryna make plans for my escape before you appeared!!!!!" i told him "then let's get outta here & sneak off together, like right now before he comes looking for us!!!!!!" he replied and i nodded; *time-skip*

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