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The next morning I couldn't help but to think about Vance, but I just know today is the day I'm going to have to face D. "Bitch ! So tell us what the fuck happened last night with you and lil Vancey Vance." Dezi and NAni said entering my room. "First of all its 7 am, I do not feel like talking." I Said nonchalant.  "Ooouuu, bitch don't do that... you must've have a bad time?" NAni said flopping on my bed. "Actually... no it was a good night but I got much more important shit to worry about then Vance." I said getting out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom and began my shower.

"Quinn?" A voice called while I was in the shower. "What?" I answered looking out the curtains. There he was, D. "Oh hey." I said closing the curtains back. "Wassup I haven't heard from you in a couple days." He said as he put down the toilet seat, sitting on it. "Look D to be honest, I been avoiding you, because this is all too much for me, we been friends since kids and it'll be weird trying to become more than that. You and NAni are my best friends and I'll hate to mess that up because of a relationship that's not guaranteed to last, you feel me?" I said continuing to wash up. "You know, all your life you been settling to either be alone, or being with someone you know not good for you, and all our life I been trying to pursue something with you, but every time I try to shoot my shot you turn me down, you know I'm a good person, you know I value your feelings, but that doesn't mean shit... goodbye Quinn." He said then leaving the bathroom. Damn man I feel shitty as fuck, cause he's right. Dre is a great guy, and he will kill for me and NAni, all our life NAni and I always chose the wrong people and every step of the way D was there for us.

Later that day, I began making my way to my third class, Chemistry. As I walked in I noticed the class in groups and I immediately made my way over where D was at. "Hey D I'm sor..." I said before I was cut off. "I don't want to hear it Quinn its good, I'm straight... I'll move forward." He said walking away from me. "Wait D... that mean we can't be friends anymore?" I said grabbing his arm. He yanked away and ignored me, and I followed. "Look, what do you not get... if I can't have you... I don't want none of you, I'm tired of putting myself last." He said pulling away and finding another group. I felt horrible, everything happens for a reason I guess.

After class I made my way to my car where I chill at between classes, that's when I noticed that bitch Domo all up on Vance by the tree where my car was parked. I made my way over and unlocked my car, causing them to jump. "Damn bitch you could have warned us." Domo said, causing me to have a flashback of me beating her ass. "Bitch you might wanna watch yo mouth, I don't think you want another recap of last year fight of the year now do you?" I said walking closer to her. "Chill ma, I was just tellin Domo how I had a boo. Ain't that right?" He said then winking at me. "Mhmm." I replied then opening my car door. "Oh Ight, well damn I didn't know ms.goodietooshoo was good enough for a strong man like you lil daddy, I'll be seeing you around Vancey." She said blowing a kiss at him, he smiled then turned to me. "You disgust me..." I said getting into my car. "How come? Cause she tryna get with me, you can't blame me for these hoes actions." He said holding on to the hood of my car. "Ugh, you get on my nerves, can you move I gotta go?" I Said dramatically. "Nope not until you tell me why I ain't get the invite to the party tomorrow night." He said smirking at me. "It's not my party to be inviting people, maybe you should ask your home girls, NAni and Dezi. It's there party." I said then closing my door, it's something about this fool I can't stop thinking about, but I told myself no distractions this year, so I'm just going to let little Vance have his little fun.

Later that day, I began finishing up my homework from the week just so that I won't fall behind all because of this little party tomorrow, Nani is a known person, so I'm already knowing this bitch is definitely going to slap. "Hey bitch you ready to turn up tomorrow?" Asked NAni dancing into my room. "Girl, I guess. So I feel super shitty about what happened between me and D, I know he a good dude... and I hate to break his heart, cause I know he care about me, but we have such a good friendship, I'll hate for that to mess up all because of a relationship, that I know not meant to be." I said to NAni as she flopped on my bed. "Look Quinn, it's Dre... he will get over it, especially if he cares about you like he say. Until then, don't worry about it, have fun... experience a little... especially with Vance, he seems fun hahaha." NAni said sticking her tongue out to me. Yeah, I had to tell my girl about that head game of his, it definitely comes hard. "You right, I'm just going to give him his time, but guess who was trying to get with Vance today..?? Little miss duckling... hahaha" I said and NAni and I both cracked up by my comment. "Shut up... no she didn't try to throw her shot..?" NAni said and we laughed again. "Yeah, well at least he has some sense... he told her I was his boo when I walked up. Hahaha he had that bitch looking dumb as hell." I said and we cracked up some more. One thing about NAni and I, we make each other laugh so much, and that's literally how we became Best friends, but in the meanwhile, I had a lot to think about over the night. "Night bitch... I got a long day tomorrow." I said and NAni left my room dancing like she always do.

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