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*Quinn Monae Lucus*

It's been a year since the last time I seen Vance, he had guns pointed to him and I was being dragged away by my hair. Gun shots began to scatter and a body dropped to the ground, I immediately knew it was Vance's... he had saved me and his boy and went out like a hero... but here I am, with a 3 month old son named Kemon, I would've named him Vance but after everything that happened I still was kept hostage, abused, and raped... I didn't know if my son was Vance's or Marlo's... I felt disgusted... and I felt like I already failed my son... Everything that happened that night constantly replays in my head, I just didn't understand why they still wanted me around. "GOD DAMN QUINN !!! Get that crying ass baby up out of here." Said Marlo kicking Kemon's bottle to me, while he counted his money. I then limped me and my son into the shed where I was sleeping at... yes I limped because Marlo hired some pre med bitch here to deliver my baby and some how she didn't do something right, I just have some odd feeling that I'm going to be dead soon, so I was just looking for ways I can escape this place, just so I can find a better home for my baby.

Later that night, I rocked baby to sleep and I stared into his golden brown eyes, all I could see was Vance looking back at me, my baby smiled and I immediately allowed tears to fall from my eyes. I began doing my normal routine... put baby to sleep, pray, and come up with some sort of conclusion to escape this place. I been here a whole year and still couldn't find anything that looked or seemed familiar. As I finished making my pallet I noticed a few car doors closing from outside the place, I limped to the taped up window and peeked through a small hole that was tore from the bottom, I then noticed a group a guys in all black with ski masks on, I knew this place was about to be robbed. I grabbed baby, and hid in the corner of the room, before I knew it, doors was kicked down and guns fired, I heard yells and I began to hold my baby against me tighter. "Who da fuck in here...?" A voice said while cocking his gun, I then realized that the person that was talking had a familiar voice to me. "Aye bitch I see your feet sticking out that corner over there... where this son of a bitch money at !" He said then walked towards us, and thats when I noticed the familiar voice, "Cornelius?" I said softly not realizing I had said his name out loud. He then took his ski mask off and looked closely at me. "Quinn.... QUINN..... shorty... we all thought you was dead after bro went out like that, what the hell ! Is this baby?" He said then helped us up. He led baby and I to a car and told the guy to take us to Mook house. I had so many questions and thoughts going through my head, I couldn't figure out why god was taking me through what I was going through, but I was just happy and thankful that he blessed me by saving my life for my child, and helping us get out that place.

"We finally here..." the guy spoke pulling up to this beautiful mansion. "Get out and go in, they know who you are, someone will bring you to your room, and make sure the child is ok." He said then open my door for us to exit. I was confused and still sore, I began to limp inside. I entered the beautiful home and an older woman walked up to me and began to hug baby and I, I was confused definitely... who was this woman she looked so familiar. "OHHHH my god, Heavenly Father please wrap your arms around these two and heal their wounds." She spoke, and before I knew it I noticed another woman walk into the room, she was a little younger, but older than I was. "Hello Quinn, I am glad you two are safe... ar-" she spoke I then immediately questioned them. "Who are you? And how do you know me and my child....?" I asked sitting on the sofa. "Hey." A voice called softly from behind me. I turned around and I couldn't believe who I was seeing, my eyes widen and tears fled my eyes, I stood up to face the voice. "Quinn..." "Vance..." I walked towards him slowly and placed the palm of my hand on his face, he grabbed it and pulled me in to hug me, I then collapsed, my knees was weak... I couldn't believe it, the love of my life is alive... he's actually alive... "baby I missed you so much, I've been searching for you this whole time..." he said while kissing my forehead. "I thought you were dead..." I spoke softly and he pulled me up... he walked me to my bedroom where He had all new clothes for me and my baby. "I faked my death Quinn, because I knew if I wasn't dead they would have hurt you and Khalil, I had to make a choice to save you, Khalil or myself and I decided to save all of us, I knew he probably would have kept you captive for a while and not kill you, but that's why I had to plan something this whole time to get you and Khalil back. "Yeah, but they did hurt me, to where I wished I was dead, oh and not to mention I was abused, raped, and threatened, my baby 3 months Vance and I don't even know if he's yours or Marlo's... I immediately broke into tears again, I just wanted to be happy and live a better life for my baby. "Quinn I understand your hurt mami, I'm gone make sure y'all straight I promise." He said then walked me into my bathroom and put me in the tub, I relaxed in the bath while I watched Vance hold my baby in his arms, he stared into my baby face and smiled softly, I saw his eyes water as if he already knew he was his son. "Kemon right? You are so handsome, just like your dad hahaha, I promise son... you or your mommy won't ever need for anything." He said softly, slightly looking up at me and I began to smile.

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