Chapter 2

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The oddly comforting beat made his eyes flutter open. The room was dark and it took him a while to see. The rough outline of cupboards and the light shadows told him that he was in a room that was not his. He didn't recognise anything. 'Where am I? Why am I here? Where are my parents?' The confused boy thought.


He heard it go again. He soon realised that it was his heartbeat. Unconsciously, he put his trembling hand on his chest. The thoughts kept swirling in his mind, confusing the poor child more and more.

He could feel the burning sensation of tears slowly building up at the corners of his eyes. The first drop of the tsunami of tears had begun to fall. Whist he was weeping, he called out to his mum but no answer came. He then tried his dad but the only response was the echo of his very own desperate voice.

He got out of the comfy bed he was in and went to find a switch; a door or even a window. Anything to get some light in the room. He kept walking until he got to a wall. He then used that as a guide to look for a light switch and he found one. He switched it on. A bright light turned on blinding him for a few seconds but he got used to it. Where was he?

This boy has incredible memory but he was sure that he has never seen this place in his life before. With a shock, he turned and ran out of the bedroom he has been living in for the past three years.

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