Chapter 7

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Immediately, Oscar threw a powerful punch towards Conner who had expected it and blocked it. He didn't let go though. Instead, Conner grasped Oscar's hand and pulled it towards him, making Oscar rush forwards. This gave Conner the opportunity to smash his elbow down on his back. Oscar came crumbling to the floor.

That was a mistake for Conner because he gave Oscar a chance to grab his leg and pull. Conner came tumbling down nearly breaking Oscar's bones but he was quick to move away from the muscly 20-year-old. Once he stood up, Oscar turned and kicked the man in the stomach. He curled into a ball, groaning from the internal pain. Oscar smirked at this, although no one could see because of the black mask he was wearing.

"Yes! Hooded Mask! You have my bet!" Someone screamed. In the ring, Oscar was known as the famous Hooded Mask because he always has a hood and masks on. This is because he doesn't want anyone to recognise him when he is just casually walking down the street. Plus, it makes him that much more mysterious and scarier when he comes to fight.

Suddenly, he felt an angry pain surging through his left cheek. The man just punched him. Oscar held on to his cheek and quickly registered what happened. Conner also tried to take his mask off. He furiously started to punch him anywhere he could. Blood spluttered out from Conner's nose and he had various bruises all over his body. The guy might as well give up now. He has made Oscar, no, Hooded Mask angry. He would be lucky to come out of this building alive. As Oscar was about to give, yet, another punch to Conner's limp body, his ears had heard something that he, and everyone here, do NOT want to hear. Police sirens!

Oscar abruptly let go of  Conner's collar and ran. He had to get away or else the police may kill him, or orse, send him off to the Airborn Virus Specialists.

Before he found Saviour, Oscar thought that he would go insane from being alone all the time; he thought he would've died from going crazy but that seems like such a stupid thought now that he has been feeling guilty. He hates the emotion. If he kills any more people now, the guilt would just add on. He doesn't want to kill, the teenager just wants to live. Whether he is normal or not. Whether he can kill or not. He just wants to live; live without guilt; without that damned AB-18. Now he didn't care about AB-18, he just wanted to live. He didn't feel any guilt either. He has been moulded into this emotionless guy who is trying to survive in a world that has given him so much darkness.

As he turned a random corner, trying to get away from the police, he heard a sharp scream. Following it were cries of hurt and desperation. His heart beat faster, pumping adrenaline all over his body. He didn't want to see her. He wasn't planning on helping her, either but then he turned another corner and he saw her. Oscar found a young, maybe 17-19-year-old girl collapsed on the disgusting floor. She was holding her ankle tightly as if it would just run away. She obviously hurt it somehow and couldn't walk. Oscar instinctively went up to her and put her arm around his shoulders and he put his arm around her waist so she could lean on him. She started whimpering but Oscar told her to be quiet so that the police wouldn't hear.

The girl shut up and was trying to focus on walking but she just couldn't stop limping. They were trying to run from the highly trained police by limping away in snail speed. Oscar knew they had no chance and started to get frustrated so he decided to carry her on his back. He told her that she was going too slow and that they needed to hurry or else they're both going to get caught. Full with fright, she didn't object to anything he said after all this was the dangerous Hooded Mask. She had no idea. Describing Oscar as 'dangerous' is a huge understatement. He could literally kill someone just by breathing next to them. In five minutes they would be dead.

"There!" The girl trembled, "There he is. My brother." Immediately, Oscar ran towards the tall silhouette of a boy not giving a second thought to the slight whimpers of ain coming from the girl. Soon, Oscar made it to her brother and he roughly put the girl down and ran. He just had to get away from here. He can't get caught. The police would probably be too stubborn and kill themselves. He sighed as these terrible thoughts had crossed his mind.


"Well, sh*t!" Oscar breathed.

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