Chapter 10

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Soon, Oscar was at a busy road, trying to catch his breath. On his way there, one thought kept crossing his mind- he didn't have any money. He has no way of getting food unless if he steals and he can't just beg for money because it won't work. He knows that people would get scared of the masked, homeless guy that appeared out of nowhere and no one will end up giving him anything. He has tried doing that before so he is sure something like that would never work. 'It's risky stealing now since the police are after me but I have to get food somehow.' He thought, 'Oh for god's sake! I have to steal!'

First, he went to his little hut, which is made out of e few trees that hunch over a little worn down building, protecting him from most bad weather. He goes there to change into a new set of clothes and when he was about to leave, Saviour had jumped on top of him licking and kissing Oscar. 

"Woah, Saviour. Calm boy, calm." He soothed. This made Saviour settle. 

"I missed you too, boy." He said with a slight chuckle. Saviour was the only peace left in Oscar's life. After the death of his parents, living on his own and being feared by everyone, it makes sense that the only hint of a smile or satisfaction that Oscar will give out is when he is with Saviour. If anyone does see him smile, then they should know that it's not genuine. He either wants something from you, is being nice or just has to because of the circumstances he's in. However, even though Oscar wants to believe that he loves Saviour with all his heart, he knows that he wouldn't take a bullet for the wolf.

He changes into something that makes him look like an ordinary person and since it was winter, he finds a great way to protect people from AB-18; with a big, thick coat that covers his mouth. The virus only travels about 6 feet, so it will only get those who are that close to it. It is weak enough to mix in with the air around it in just a couple of seconds but the closer a person is to Oscar, the stronger the virus and its effects are. So if someone was close enough to Oscar when Oscar isn't wearing something to cover his mouth then the person will die. However, if another person is 6 feet or 188cm away from them, they should be fine. So when Oscar exhales, his breath is highly concentrated by the virus but it quickly starts to spread out and mix in with the surrounding air, making it harmless.

Oscar went to a shop that wasn't known very well by people because then there'd be less of a commotion if he were to get caught, meaning that he could get away more efficiently. He stole food for Saviour and him. He took some clothes, water and repeated daily, whilst also trying to stay low. He did this for about two weeks until one day he got caught... by the police...

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