Chapter 6

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He sneakily came in from the back and got invited to the disgusting crowded building from which he has been earning the valuable money that he needs. With the intimidating looks, the place had an eerie sense to it. There were no windows and lights flickered here and there. There were thick patches of webs made delicately by the countless, frightening creatures that are known as the infamous spiders.

The bodies of heartless people wanting to watch every detail of the fight were cheering for the two guys in the ring. They were dripping with sweat as they pound each other's faces off. Whoever wins this fight, must go against Oscar.

Oscar wasn't nervous at all because he knew that no matter what, he will win the fight. He has won every fight he has gone to and this one isn't going to be any different. He watches them fight so he knows what type of method he needs to use to fight both of them. Thankfully they fight the same style so it takes only a few minutes for Oscar to analyse them. Once he is done, Oscar starts to stretch and warm-up.

He soon finished and looked up to see what is happening in the vast ring. The guy who is tall with broad shoulders and goes by the name of Brad is smashing the other, who has a rather short but athletic frame. His name is Conner. Oscar has seen them before on many other fights but in this fight, they are both having trouble tackling the other down. They have the same style of fighting and know each other quite well. Conner is now on top of Brad and is smashing his body on to the cold, hard floor. 'We all know who is going to win this fight?' Oscar thought rhetorically. Conner wins.

Almost immediately, he got taken hold of by the person that controlled this whole illegal fighting area. Oscar was glad for him, of course, where else would he get the money from? 'It's funny how money controls us; how money manipulates our future.' He mused.

The skinny, scary-looking man's name was Jacob and he took Oscar and told him to get ready for a hard fight with Conner. He did as he was told. Oscar knew that if Jacob says that the fight is going to be hard, then the fight must be hard. Jacob knows all the fighters here; their strengths and weaknesses.

As Oscar made his way to the ring, he saw Conner heaving deep, long breaths. He looked menacing. The way he glared at Oscar with so much dedication, gave Oscar the slightest bit of fear that he usually doesn't get. Thankfully, Oscar was at least a foot taller than the guy so he looked somewhat intimidating. He is quite tall for a 17-year-old but that's thanks to his parents for giving him those genes.

"FIGHT!" Jacob exclaimed.

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