Chapter 12

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Charlotte Black

Chaos; it was everywhere. I couldn't understand why I was here. I couldn't understand why there were so many people everywhere. What was happening? Why was there so much noise? I couldn't think. I heard cries of joy; I heard cries of laughter but the most evident cry was one of my own. There I was. Crying and begging for it all to stop. It didn't make sense. Why was I crying? I never cried. Not in front of so many people.

Then I saw it. Blood. It was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I had blood on my clothes. There was blood in front of me. There was blood; so much blood. I looked behind me.

There was water. A pool of water. I looked at it and saw my reflection. My eyes were completely black; like they were two infinite voids of nothing. I was scared- no, I was terrified. It didn't make any sense. I began crying. I cried like I had nothing to lose. I cried like everything was gone.

Then everything changed. The previous setting of horrible bloody red, endless space of death was gone only to be replaced by a bright white room. In which lay two bodies. As I went closer to them I find that they are corpses of my dead parents. I screamed.

Again, the setting changed. Now I was back in my old home. I saw them once more; my parents. This time they were alive. I saw them walk out and go to our dining room. Here, I saw myself. I was so confused.

They were all talking to each other as they got their food to eat. They looked so peaceful and happy. Then that changed. The other me stopped what she was doing and looked straight at me with so much disgust and disappointment whilst my parents slowly did the same.

"How dare you let us die like that, you insolent child." My mum exclaimed.

"What are you doing HERE, in MY house?" My dad shouted.

Then my copy came towards me and said menacingly,

"You're a disgusting little girl with no right to be alive whilst my parents are dead, do you hear me? You should be ashamed of yourself! Look at what you did!"

I tried to scream at her saying I didn't do anything; that it wasn't my fault that what happened, had happened. I tried so hard but I was frozen. Then with one motion of her hand, she took me somewhere.

I saw Vivian, my one and only friend and knew she could help me get out of this hell. But with one look at her, I knew something terrible was going to happen and I was right.

She began walking towards me with such a vicious smile that made me want to die. The way she walked with purpose and the look of death in her eyes made me want to run away; to go and hide somewhere far, far away. But I couldn't. I was stuck to the ground that didn't have a solid surface. Then she began talking.

"I hate you! I despise you, you rotten little brat. You just had to ruin everything for me, didn't you?! My parents only died because of OUR friendship! I never want to see that adorable, little, rotten face of yours again! Do you understand?!"

I woke up with a gasp. 'It was a dream, it was only a dream' I kept telling myself whilst wiping all of the cold sweat from my face. I could feel my heart beating oh so quickly. I was hot and cold all over. 'That was the fifth time this week I've had a dream like that' I thought to myself.

I was so confused. I couldn't understand why I had these reoccurring dreams, nor could I understand why I kept thinking it was all my fault as to what happened to our parents. I was also very startled as to what that first part of my dream was. Why was it so chaotic and why had I seen all that blood? Why was I crying?

I've had nightmares before. I've had them since our parents had passed away. Mine and Vivian's, I mean. We were friends from a very early age which inevitably meant our parents would be too.

Once I had calmed down, I decided to have a shower. It was four in the morning but I still went in anyway. I hated the feeling of sweat. That dream also scared me more than I'd like to admit. Showering is the only time I truly feel relaxed.

I got my work clothes and got in the shower. Vivian and I had always wanted to become police officers and so we made sure to make that dream a reality and these clothes are proof of that.

Once in the shower, I tried my hardest to not think about that dream, but that was all I could think of. It kept haunting me at work and it's began to stress me out. Added on top of that was the ongoing case of the missing 17-year-old boy, Oscar Skylar, which had began to be a real pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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