Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry..." They heard the boy say followed by silence.

"What the hell was that?" A policewoman, Vivian, voiced the obvious questions, "And a virus? We should get the AVS involved in this! My god, it can't be-"

"Less talking, more doing! Let's go check it out. We need to know what happened and we must find that boy!" Mike, the sergeant, interrupted the lady from saying the thoughts that were in everyone's minds.

There was a sudden rush of actions and screams of demands. Two officers were soon in a police car and ready to go to the crime scene to close off the area. Then Mike, who also works as the professional detective, will do whatever he can, to help understand the situation more clearly.

The two officers name's are Alex and Ella and they were close to Adam and Anna. They could almost be family. They had known each other since they were 5 and had the same passion to be in the police force, so they made it happen. The thoughts of losing each other are pretty darn heartbreaking for this group of friends.

"Wait!" cried Mike, "If the boy is who I think he is and if what he said was true then you better wear these." He advised, giving them masks. The man was smart to give them this and probably saved their lives by doing so. "Also, we are now talking to Airborne Virus Specialists. Any news and we will tell you. Now, hurry!" he ended quickly, knowing that the pair was itching to see what happened to their, now dead, friends.

Mike was known for his odd personality. He seems quiet and subtle and he is but he is also one heck of a scary boss. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He knows what to do and when to do it. He is calm and collected in hasty, troubling situations and he can get answers out of most people swiftly. He will do whatever he can to accomplish his goals. All this not only makes him a great boss but also the best detective. The 37-year-old has short, straight hair that is as dark as the night sky and silver orbs for eyes. He is 6 foot 10 inches, making him seem intimidating. The young detective started going to university since the age of 20. He used to live in England but came to study abroad in Scotland for three years in law. All of this is because of his longing to become someone important to an individuals heart.

"Sir, Alex and Ella are there." Luke, one of the more newer police officers, said.

"I can very well see that, kid. You don't have to point it out. Despite my old age, I still have a pair of healthy eyes that help me see." Mike replied sarcastically. He doesn't like new officers, although he was one himself. Their stupidity and lack of confidence annoy him but they can't be over-confident or they won't be liked by anyone. To him, newbies just get in the way from professionals doing their jobs. He thinks that there should be a specific job for people to help the newbies.

"Come on, let's go check it out." He says, tiredly. He hasn't had much sleep because of his last ongoing case that has been going on forever. It's about a missing boy who no one, apart from the AVS and trusted detectives, like Mike, knows about. A couple of these investigators before Mike have been trying to find the boy for about 3 years but none have succeeded, instead, they all died. Mike is determined to change that.

Mike and Luke made there way up to the two police officers, who were now looking through either side of the car window. They had pale faces and were shaking their heads in disbelief. They looked like they'd seen ghosts. Alex keeps brushing his frizzy blonde hair back with his rough hand. Ella had her hands playing with her simple green glasses and her long light brown hair was dishevelled.

"They can't be dead. I mean, they're police officers, they couldn't have died such a death. It couldn't have been a boy who killed them. It just... no. They're dead?" Ella whispered. She then turned and saw Mike by her side.

"You! You are the damn detective! Why haven't people like you solved this freaking case of a missing 17-year-old boy? A SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY! It can't be that hard to track a 17-year-old boy down, can it?!" She asked breathlessly.

Suddenly, she grabbed Mike by the shoulders and shook him slightly saying, "SCAR! YOU MUST FIND THAT GOD DAMN BOY!" Then she went back to her car with Alex trailing behind her and drove off. They had another crime scene to go to.

"Mike, the AVS want to talk to you." Said Vivian, who was in a car, talking to the Airborne Virus Specialists and giving them enough information for Mike to then take the lead. Vivian and Mike had been married for about 13 years. They had met when they both became police officers for the first time. Soon they started dating and after two years, at the age of 24, they got married.

"Mr Scar, the virus has been recognised as AB-18 from the video you gave us. The boy in the video, is indeed the missing 17-year-old, Oscar Skylar. We need you to not let anyone get in that car to keep them from their deaths. Also, the boy needs to be caught and given to us, as soon as possible." The AVS scientist demanded.

"Yes, sir! I will do whatever possible to find him." Mike replied. He ended the call.

"What's happening?" Asked Vivian, who has been Mike's permanent police partner since they got married.

"Well, the AVS confirmed that the boy is Oscar Skylar and they also want us to catch him. Then we will bring him to their secret underground laboratory that us and only us know about." Mike discreetly whispered looking at the slight smile that she always wears.

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