Chapter 8

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He froze. Oscar didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a rough hand quickly grasped his and turned him around. It was the police. There were two; one male and one female. They both looked merciless with all their weapons attached to their waists. The one holding him had a name tag on the right side of his chest. It said Adam and the woman's one said, Anna.

"Why do you have a hood and mask on? Why were you fighting in there? What is your name?" Adam interrogated.

"Forget it. We can question you in the car. Where you won't be able to run away." Anna said exasperated. She then walked away signalling Adam to follow. Soon, they were in the car. Oscar got pushed into the back seats. He hated cars and any transportation. It made him feel claustrophobic and in the police car, the seemingly tough 17-year-old felt like a child. He hated the feeling of being exposed. The only way he rides is on top of Saviour but he usually goes on foot.

"Now, answer all my previous questions." Demanded Adam. Oscar stayed quiet. He genuinely didn't know what to say.

"Oh for god's sake, take that damn thing off!" Anna cried, yanking Oscar's precious mask off. She also took his hood off. Never has he ever felt this naked before.

"You're gonna die," Oscar whispered.

"What!" They said incredulously.

"YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!" He screamed, "Officers, you took my mask off. You're going to die now. I don't know if you will believe me but I have this virus. One that will kill someone if I breathe near them. It will kill them in five minutes. It's called AB-18 and that is all I know about it. You took my mask off. You've just basically killed yourself! Oh god, I knew this was gonna happen."

They looked at each other and laughed. Laughed! They laughed right at Oscars face. Oscar just looked at them a smile on his face rendering loath. He hated the fact that they didn't believe him and was amused that this was how they were going to end there life.

"You're funny. Man, that was such a good laugh!"  Exclaimed Anna. She honestly looked so happy. Adam was the same. Then, at that moment, both their eyes went wide with shock and pain and they went limp. Oscar watched as they died. He watched how Adam slowly stopped smiling and how Anna lost all colour from her eyes. He saw how they both slowly fell into an eternal sleep, never going to be seen by their families again. He saw how the life in them just drained away; how the blood slowly made a path out of their mouths. The deep, crimson blood from Anna's mouth fell on top of the black leather seats. It started to roll off of it and fall quickly on the floor, then disappearing as the material soaks it up. Suddenly, he realised that this is a police car and that there will be a camera and a mic in it. He thought about what he said and regretted saying it since now the police know who he is.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to them for the and discreetly left the scene.

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