Chapter 4

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"Dear diary,

Oscar, my child, I hope you are the one reading this. If you are, then we must have died but please don't worry about us. This diary will explain everything to you so don't you dare lose it.

Oscar, you have a virus that scientists said was an unknown virus. It has put you in a coma. You were 9 when you fell asleep in England. We had stayed there for three months to get you help but the doctors couldn't do much. Then, one of them said that there are more experienced and better doctors, in this field of medical practice, in Scotland. You're in Scotland now.

We have been here for three years. I am writing this letter on the thirteenth of August. The doctors here have decided to leave you at home instead of the hospital and help you here so that as your parents, it would be much more efficient to look after you. Then, one day, these Airborne Virus Specialists asked if they could do tests on you so that they could find out more about the virus and what it's doing to you. We declined strait away but they kept on insisting with stupid requests. I am worried that they may just take you away from us without our permission. They could do that, you know. They have that type of power.

Anyway, this virus. Oscar, this virus kills. It didn't kill you because, well, no one really knows yet. You must be immune to it somehow. It could kill others, though. At least that's what the doctors said. They think that if you breathe near others, they could die. You somehow caught it and survived but you are killing others. They know this because lots of doctors have died when it was the first time they tried to treat you.

So if you're reading this, we must be dead. I said this at the start but I didn't explain it. Now I hope you can use your common sense and guess what happened. The virus killed us, not you, so don't blame yourself. Knowing you, you would probably make yourself go crazy from guilt but I beg you Oscar, do not blame yourself.

Your father and I love you so much and we want the best for you so read this carefully, love. You must go into hiding and get away from the AVS. They will try to get you and do all kinds of things on you. We have kept some money for you in the safe and the key to it is your birth date. Use the money for whatever you need. It should keep you alive for a long time. Then please try to find yourself a job. We don't want you to be a criminal and illegally get money, or something.

This next part has nothing to do with the virus but it is important. In our family, sweetheart, wolves mean so much to us. We love them because they have been protecting us for as long as I can remember. It is always the first child of the Okami family who gets to experience this. The Okami family is the family I came from. The new picture of the mysterious wolf that you can see on the wall, is actually the only wolf in Scotland and it is gorgeous with its white fur and purple eyes. I don't know why or how but I know that you will meet this lonesome wolf one day and that he will hopefully help you when you really need it.

Anyway, Oscar, we both love you so much that it's unbelievable. I am sorry that we left you but now you have to fend for yourself. We wish you the best of luck.

Love, mum and dad..."

His red, cracked lips were trembling with fright as he said, "I killed my parents. I KILLED MY PARENTS!"

His piercing purple eyes had begun to water. Oscar will soon find out that he has lost his blue eyes to be replace by the purple ones because of the virus. The virus that resulted in him killing his own parents.

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