First Month

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"That hurts." "Sorry." Jooheon leaned down and kissed me as he continued to enter into my body. How did we end up in this situation again? I thought back to earlier that day when we had all gone out drinking. Hyungwon stayed home with Changkyun while the rest of us went out and got hammered. When I get drunk I tend to be come slightly more promiscuous than normal and I started flirting with Jooheon hardcore. The alcohol gave me the confidence to confess to my fellow band member. He started flirting back and one thin led to another and here we are. In a sleazy hotel room getting fucked. I let out a moan as he pulled back only to thrust back in. "Ah fuck. Harder." Jooheon smiles and bit my nipple as he violently thrusted back into me earning a deeper and longer moan from me. He then started pumping me in time with his thrusts. This threw me over the edge and I started to feel a familiar knot growing in my stomach. "I'm gonna cum." "Me too. Can I?" I knew what he was hinting at and I nodded. He brought his hand up and gently wrapped his finger around my throat and bribing my lips to his own. As he did this my body shook and I couldn't take anymore. I released moaning as he kissed me. Immediately after he came and I moaned once more as I felt him fill me. I breathed heavily as he pulled out on got off from me. I stayed still and closed my eyes. I only meant to close them for a moment but when I woke I saw the sun shining and a clock in the room told me it was eleven thirty. I panicked knowing out managers wanted to see all of us at ten this morning. I can only imagine how pissed they are. I looked next to me and saw that Jooheon was still passed out. I blushed as I remembered what had happened the night before. That's when I remembered he never put on a condom. I'm sure it's fine nothing could have happened right? I shook that thought from my head and slapped his chest. His eyes shot open and he grabbed his chest. "Ow what the hell Minhyuk!?" "We were supposed to meet with everyone at ten." He looked at me still mad at how I had woken him up. He is impossible to wake up what did he want from me? "It's eleven thirty." His eyes widened and he fell out of the bed. We both got dressed in record time I checked my phone as we ran down to the lobby to check out. The younger member took care of the room as I called everyone to apologize. I explained we had drank too much and passed out but we would be there soon. "We're good to go!" I let out a sigh of relief and ran out with him and into a cab. We told the driver where to go and he started to head there. "What did they say?" I looked at Jooheon is eyes were bloodshot and I was sure mine looked fairly similar. "Not much but they sounded pissed." He groaned and threw his head back." "We are so dead." I nodded and adjust in my seat. I then looked at my hands and bit my lip. I wanted to talk to him about last night but now was not the time or place. We arrived at the studio we quickly paid the driver and ran into the meeting room. Jooheon and I were both panting so hard clearly out of breath. We then got scolded for not following orders and to sit down. They told us about our new album idea. They also mentioned we may be able to go on a tour in the U.S. soon which sounded amazing. A couple other groups had been able to but we had not so I was excited that we were finally getting up there with everyone else. I also hoped we could go to Boston so I.M. Could revisit his hometown. After what seemed like forever we were released and sent to figure out rooms for our dorm. I wanted my room to be with Jooheon but I also didn't. I feel so conflicted. "Minhyuk you get to share with Hyungwon and Jooheon." Well I guess I got what I wanted on both ends. I smiled and hugged Hyungwon as he was standing next to me. "Party time!" I then grabbed my things from the floor, thanked Shownu for bringing it with them and headed to my room. I sat down on the bed I decided to claim and let out a shaky breath. I really wanted to talk to Jooheon but I'm scared to. He probably only did any of that because he was drunk. I want to cry but I can't. I refuse to let them see me truly sad. I've cried on stage but that's different. This was a different sad. I layed down and curled up under the covers. It was so warm and comfy I could feel myself drifting off to sleep when I heard the door open. I sat still and kept my eyes closed. I just wanted to sleep it's the only other thing I could do since I couldn't cry. I heard their feet shuffle towards the beds and I could feel their presence was only inches from my own. I wanted to look and see who it was because they were being creepy but I also wanted them to go away. They stood there for a moment longer before they began to speak. "We need to talk." My heart melted at the charming voice in front of me. I opened my eyes and looked up at Jooheon. He looked serious which scared me but I kept calm and sat up. I then smiled at him. "What's up?" He let out a sigh and rubbed his head before sitting on the other bed across from my own. "Last night." My heart sank. He sounds so upset about it. I knew he did it because he was drunk. Even with these thoughts I kept my head up and didn't let my face show any emotion other than the fact that I was listening. "I don't know how much you remember." He spoke slow as though he were thinking about his words carefully. "I remember bits and pieces before we..." I paused not sure how to finish my sentence. "And if I'm being honest I remember most of what happened when we left the bar." I saw him blush a little probably more out of embarrassment than anything. "Well. I don't remember a whole lot before that either but you said something to me and I was just curious if you meant or if it was the alcohol talking." I mentally slapped myself. If I could jump off a bridge right now I would. True I wanted to talk to him about it but at the same time I knew he didn't return my feelings. "You said that you've like me for sometime and you wished I felt the same. And then You kissed my neck." I blushed and brought my knees up to my chest. I want to die so bad right now. "I'm guessing by your body language you meant it." He said this as excitedly as though he just found the last piece to the puzzle. I watched him stand up and then he leaned over me. He then kissed the top of my head and smiled down at me. "I feel the same way." I smiled up at him and giggled. "Really? Your not toying with me?" Jooheon shook his head. "What kind of guy do you take me for?" I smiled again and kissed his lips. We sat like that for a moment and then parted. "So Min. Do you wanna be my boyfriend." "Yes!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him into the bed with me. We snuggled up and went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of something falling. I looked over and saw that Hyungwon dropped his bag as he stared at us. Jooheon rolled over and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the other member. "What's up Hyungwon?" The ex model continued to stare. After a few more seconds he smiled wide. "You two! Finally! I thought you guys would never confess to one another." Jooheon and I looked at each other and back at the other. "Oh come on. It was obvious you two are head over heels for each other with all the flirting and small kisses." I noticed we both blushed but then a thought occurs to me. "Hey don't tell anyone? Can you let us do that please." Hyungwon nodded and put his stuff away. Soon after everyone followed into the dining room and ate. As we did so Jooheon decided to casually mention that we were together. "Minhyuk and I are dating now but I really don't think we should tell the managers because they will lose their shit." Everyone looked at us with wide eyes. Once it settled we basically got the same reaction from everyone else as we did from Hyungwon. Yup. I think everything is going to be just fine.

My One and Only (Jooheon x Minhyuk)Where stories live. Discover now