Month 5

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It had been a week since I went to the doctor and it was time for me to return. Meanwhile I had stayed at home with my parents. I never told them anything and I practically sat in my room staring at the wall the whole time. I only left to use the restroom and to eat. I had gotten hindered of calls and text messages from everyone. Everyone except Jooheon that is. I let out a sigh as my phone began to go off reminding of my doctors appointment. After getting ready I left my home. I know my parents are worried about me and in the voicemails and texts it's obvious so are the other members. I don't know if Jooheon told them or not. They don't seem to know anything but that doesn't mean they don't. I kept thinking about everything on the drive to see Dr. Minu. As I arrived and checked in I was taken back almost immediately. Some nurses came in and made sure everything was okay before taking some blood samples and having me do cat scans. After the day was coming to an end I was finally able to leave and they told me they'd call me if they found anything. I walked up to my car and I turned on my phone. I had one missed call and it was from Jooheon. I felt tears welling up but I pushed them down. I want nothing to do with him. I continued to ignore everyone for another month. I only answered phone calls from manager to tell him I was extremely ill and unable to attend for awhile. He was pissed but let it go. There was still no answer from the doctor as to what had caused this and I was now into month five of the pregnancy. I curled up into a ball on my bed and began to cry. I just want Jooheon. I heard the door open behind me but I ignored it and continued to sob. I felt someone sit next to me and I heard my mothers soothing voice. "Sshhh it's okay Min. Someone is here to see you." I looked up at her but didn't move. "I will go get him." I nodded and stayed still. Tears were still falling but I wasn't making any noise. I then could hear someone come down the hall and to my door way. When I looked over it was the man I wanted to see yet never wanted to see again. I sat up and wiped my eyes. "What are you doing here?" My voice was hoarse  but harsh. "I wanted to see how you were doing." "I'm doing fine. You can leave now." I heard him let out a sigh before coming into my room and shutting the door. "We are all worried about you." I scoffed. I knew they were but as much as I wanted to dive into Jooheons arms my brain kept telling me to be rude. "Min." He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I felt his warmth for a moment before pulling my hand away and wrapping up into my blanket. "I'm sorry." I looked over at the younger rapper. His eyes were red almost as though he too had been crying. "I know how shitty it was for me to say what I did. I don't even know why I said it. I just don't think I'm ready to be a dad and I wanted a way out. I don't expect you to forgive me but I wanted you to know how horrible I feel about it. How much I miss you and how much I want to be a part of your life. Both of your lives." He put his hand on the small bump of my stomach and tears started to beam my eyes once more. "Did you tell the others?" He shook his head as he pulled his hand away. At that moment I felt a small kick. My eyes widened and I smiled. "Jooheon he kicked!" His eyes mirrored mine and his hand went right back into my stomach. I smiled and moved his hand where I had felt it and within that moment another kick was felt. "Oh my god that's amazing!" His face brightened up and he looked at me. I smiled at him and gently kissed his lips. "I'm still a little mad at you but I missed you." His smile fell slightly. "I missed you to. I'm so sorry baby." "It's okay." I put a hand on his face and rested my forehead against his. "Why didn't you tell the others?" I pulled away as I asked this so that I could read his face. "I don't know how. Do you?" I understood what he meant and shook my head. "The doctors haven't called me back with an answer yet." "Do your parents know?" Once more I shook my head. "I planned on telling them soon though." He nodded before looking at the ground. "When are you coming back to the dorms?" "I don't know. I can't exactly be seen right now considering. I know how mad managers are gonna be and I'm scared of what they'll do." He nodded understanding the situation. "Maybe we should tell the others and see if they have any advice?" I nodded. We then sat in silence for a moment only to cuddle and fall asleep moments later. The next morning we woke up ready to tell the others. I told my parents goodbye and that I would explain everything to them soon and we left. As we arrived and walked through the doors it took everyone a moment I was there. The first to process this was Kihyun. "Min!" He stood up quickly and rushed over to me hugging me tightly. I did the same and soon everyone followed. "Where have you been?" "Why haven't you returned our calls?" "Why'd you leave like that?" Everyone started asking so many questions and I began to feel irritated. "I will tell you guys. You just have to calm down and sit." They did as told and I sighed. I feel bad for being mean. Jooheon and I then began to tell them everything from start to finish. They were all silent for a moment before Hyungwon spoke. "Do you know the gender?" I shook my head. "I find out at my next appointment." "I'm so excited to see the baby! It'll be the cutest!" Kihyun seemed the most excited. Soon after it processed everyone began congratulating us and were happy that we were together. "So we cant tell the managers and Min can't be seen gaining weight by them so do any of you have any thoughts?" Jooheon said this calmly and Wonho was the first to speak. "Just don't tell them. You've been telling them your really sick so tell them it's from that. Your still sick and it's a stomach tumor or something but not cancerous and it'll be removed in a few months." We all looked at each other and smiled. "I think that's the smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth." Wonho lightly punched Shownu and we all continued on as though everything was normal. I was finally happy again.

My One and Only (Jooheon x Minhyuk)Where stories live. Discover now