Month 4

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"Lee Minhyuk. The doctor will see you now." I stood up and followed the nurse into the doctors office. She checked my blood pressure and all of the necessary things a nurse does before leaving the room. I let out a shaky breath as waited for the doctor. I don't know why but I felt like it was going to be terrible news. Jooheon offered to come with me but this is something I felt I should do alone. A tall man walked in and I noticed it was the doctor. "Hello. I am Dr. Minu. What seems to be the problem?" I cleared my throat as he sat in his chair. "I have been getting extremely nauseous lately and no matter what I do I keep gaining weight." He scrunched up his face before asking me to lay down which I did. He then began feeling around my stomach. "Are you sexually active?" I nodded sheepishly towards him. "With men or women?" I blushed and looked away from him. "Men." He nodded before drawing some blood. He then told me he would be gone for a moment and left the room. I don't understand why he took my blood but alright. After a half an hour he finally returned with a concerned look. "Well?" He looked at me before sitting down in his chair. "This is going to be a lot to take in so I suggest you ready yourself." I held my breath. "I don't know how this is humanly possible but it appears that you are pregnant." I felt my face go white as he said this. After a few minutes of silence I heard him let out a breath. "If you don't mind I would like you to come back in about a week and see what caused this." I stayed silent as this was all said. All I could think about were the members. The managers are gonna have to find out and then what's going to happen to our band? Will they discontinue all of us or just me? What about Jooheon? What is he going to say? I felt my stomach begin to turn as I thought about all of the negative things Jooheon was going to say. "O....okay." I looked at the doctor and confirmed for him to see him next week. "This won't get leaked out anywhere will it?" He shook his head as I asked. "No. I will only include the most trusted nurses here and myself. We must follow the oath we took to keep anything about our patients hidden unless given a warrant." I let out a sigh of relief as he said this. "Alright." He smiles at me before patting my back. "I suggest you start eating more as you told me you've been cutting back your food. That is not good for you or the baby in this situation. I know you are a performer as well so I highly recommend figuring out how you can slow down and not strain yourself so much. Your extremely close to your second trimester but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." I nodded my head before thanking him. I then left the room and went for a short walk before returning to the dorm. As I walked up to the door I could hear everyone talking and I held my breath. I knew they were going to bombard me and I'm still not even sure what to say. I let out the breath I held and opened the door. As I was shutting the door behind me I saw everyone look at me. I made eye contact with the person I needed to speak to first. "Jooheon. Can I speak to you in private please?" He nodded and I could see the panic in everyone else's eyes. I giggled to myself. They were probably thinking I was dying just as I was waiting for the doctor. We walked into our room and he sat down on his bed and I leaned against the dresser across from it. "So what did the doctor say?" I looked at my lover and I could feel tears trying to rise. I feel like he's going to break up with me and leave. "I. The doctor." I stumbled over my words trying to figure out how to say what I needed to. He stood up and walked over to me pulling me into a hug. I embraced it and began to cry. "I'm pregnant Jooheon." I felt his grip loosen and he stumbled back sitting back down on the bed. I wiped my tears away. "But your a boy." I nodded. "The doctor doesn't know how it's possible. I'm supposed to go in next week to figure it out." "Whose is it?" I looked at him dumbfounded. He couldn't seriously be asking me that question right? "Min. Whose is it?" "It's yours of course. What do you think I do in my spare time? Go spreading myself all across Korea?" He looked at me before looking back at the ground. I knew it. He was hoping for a way out of this. "Look you don't have to be a part of its life if you don't want to. I won't make you but you could at least have the decency to not accuse me of doing something that I clearly wouldn't." Before he could say anything else I left the room. I heard Kihyun ask me what was wrong but I didn't stop to tell them. I walked up to the door tears streaming down my face. As I opened it I just looked back at everyone. I feel so terrible for ruining what they've worked so hard to accomplish. "Ask Jooheon." As I said this I walked out the door slamming it behind me.

1 Week Later~
I walked into the doctors office and told them my name. As I waited to be called I started to wonder if the stress I've put myself into was a bad idea for not only me but the baby as well. I shut my phone off and haven't been back to the dorm since I told Jooheon what was wrong. I didn't want to see anybody, I didn't want to hear the rejection from them. As I sat and waited I could feel more tears coming. God I am so sick of being overly emotional. "Lee Minhyuk." I got up and followed the nurse into the room. She didn't do any of the normal things a nurse does. She just sat me down and told me to wait. As I waited I continued thinking about the members. I sighed and pulled out my phone. I stared at the blank screen before holding the power button down. The screen lit up as it did it's logo. After a few minutes it started to go crazy. I had so many missed calls and text messages it was ridiculous. Many of the members said the same thing. Are you okay? We are worried. Please call us. I feel bad for making them worry but what am I supposed to do? A text from Jooheon came through and my heart began to race as all it said was, "We really need to talk." I let out a shaky breath before texting him back. "Okay. Meet me at the food place we like in two hours." Not even 20 seconds later I got a response. "Thank god your finally texting back. I will be there." I smiled a little. I'm glad they all care so much. The doctor came in and we began to run the tests. After an hour and a half he told me to go home and he would call me when they all came through. I nodded hopping off the table. I then called an Uber having him take me to Jooheon. I arrived about ten minutes early so I got a booth for us for when he arrived. About six minutes later he arrived. He looked as though he hadn't slept in weeks and rushed over to me. He hugged me before sitting across from me. "We've all been worried sick. Why didn't you respond?" "Because I've ruined the band. The managers are going to find out and who knows what their going to do. I just can't face them for what I've done." "I don't think you've ruined us Min." I looked Jooheon in the eyes and let a fake smile grace my lips for half a second. I know he's trying to make me feel better but it's not working. "What did you wanna talk about?" The waitress came by asking Jooheon what he wanted to drink. After he answered she said she would be back shortly to take our orders. "I wanted to talk about the baby." I felt my face flush. "Has the doctor figured it out yet?" I shook my head as he asked. "No. We did a bunch of tests today and he's going to call me when they have an answer or to let me know they need to do more." His eyes went down as I said this and he almost looked sad. "Min." He kept his gaze shifted down but I kept mine on him. "You were right that I didn't want to be a part of the babies life."

My One and Only (Jooheon x Minhyuk)Where stories live. Discover now