Month 8

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It had been a little over a month since Dr. Minu gave the news. Jooheon and I wouldn't discuss it to each other and none of the others brought it up either. I felt her kick again and I smiled. "What if. When this is all done we move." I looked at Jooheon as he spoke. It was 2 in the afternoon and neither of us had said much throughout the day. "What?" "Well. When everything was settled we were going to vacation in America to get married since its legal. Why don't we just stay? Less likely to get criticised." I thought for a moment. "Thats true but what about our families? I dont think I could leave my parents behind like that." Jooheon sat down next to me and hugged me. "I know that and it would be hard for me to leave mine as well but I feel like this is what would be best for our family. If we do move its not like we cant come visit or they cant come see us." I nodded. I understand full heartedly where Jooheon was coming from. "Well... If that's the case we should pick an American name for her." I rubbed my stomach as I said this and Jooheon smiled putting his hand on it as well. The main door opened and we looked over to see the band members coming in. I tried to stand so that I could greet them but was struggling. Hyungwon came over and helped me off the couch. Just as he did however a huge pain shot in my lower abdamon. "Ah." I let out a gasp and doubled over. I felt Jooheons arms wrap around me as Hyungwon put his arms on my shoulders. "Are you okay Min?" I looked up at Kihyun tears burning my eyes. I could not explain the pain I was feeling. "No. It hurts so much!" I felt another wave of pain hit me like a bullet train and my brain clicked. "Someone call Dr. Minu I think Im in labor." "I will. Where's your phone?" I pointed to my device on the table as Shownu called the doctor. Meanwhile I felt Jooheons warm hand clasp mine as he allowed me to squeeze it. Between him and Hyungwon I was able to stand up. "He said he would meet you at the hospital and he would block the entrance and those around so that they could not see." I nodded and through much pain and effrot we made it to a car and the hopital room with no problems. They had everything set up by the time we got there but just as I was laying down my head began to feel fuzzy and I heard the heart rate monitor beep loudly as everything went black.

I don't know for how long I was out but when I opened my eyes I saw that the room was dark and white. I remembered I was in the hospital and looked to my right. I saw a figure sitting in a chair. I moved slightly and the figure jumped before speaking. "Oh thank god! Dont ever do that to me again Min!" I smiled at Jooheon as he hugged me deeply. I returned the hug happily as I was no longer in pain. "The baby! Did she make it?" Jooheon untangled himself from me amd turned on the light. "Yes she did." He sounds so happy. "They haven't let anyone but me see her so far. Their still trying to see how this was possible. I frowned at this. I wanted to know just as much as they did but I did not want them experimenting on our daughter. Jooheon then decided to alert the nurse and the doctor upon their request of me waking up. A few minutes later they both walked in and did basic tests to make sure I was alright. By the time they were done it was daylight. "Well it's certainly all still a mystery but I like to think its a happy mystery." As the doctor said this the door opened again. I expected to see the other members but instead walked in a nurse rolling a bin that I soon realized had a baby girl in it. "Is that her?" Jooheon nodded as the nurse handed her to me. I couldn't help the happy tears that made their way from my eyes. I smiled up at Jooheon who returned the smile. She had his nose. "Do you boys have a name for her yet?" We both looked at each other then at our beautiful baby girl. "Alice." At that moment we made eye contact again. We hadnt discussed any names yet and here we were agreeing on one. "Alice it is." The nurse took out a pen and began to write on the birth certificate. As she did this Dr. Minu congratulated us and left. Soon after the others showed up. "Oh my god is that her!?" Hyungwon was the first to hover over her and soon everyone else but Wonho had as well. "Well. Im starved. Im gonna get something to eat." I nodded at my lover who left everyone but the same boy who had seemed upset from day one followed behind him also hungry. "Don't you want to eat as well?" He shook his head remaining silent. "Do you really hate me that much?" Wonhos eyes snapped over to me in shock. "Of course I don't hate you! Where would you get an idea like that?" I shrugged my arms causing Alice to shift and yawn slightly. I cooed at her for a moment as her eyes finally opened. I then looked back at the other man. "You've just seemed upset." "No of course not. If I'm being honest I think I was just jealous and a little lonely." I frowned at Wonho and extended one arm out to him. "Your never alone Wonho. I know friends and family love is not the same as a significant other but we will always be here for you. If not the others then I sure as hell will be. We all love you." He smiled at me and took my hand. "Thanks Min." I nodded at him. "Would you like to see her?" He nodded and just as he looked at her he smiled. "She is so cute!"

It had been about a week since then and we all seem closer than ever. I have already lost some weight and am working hard to slim back down so we can get to work. My parents love Alice and when our contract is up in five months Jooheon and I are gonna quit and move to America. Life in a full sense couldn't be better and I certainly couldnt be happier.

Authors Note: There will be one more chapter to this story after this for in the future after they've moved and settled down in good ol' USA. I have already started that one so keep an eye out. Until then as always I hope you have enjoyed it!

My One and Only (Jooheon x Minhyuk)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα