Month 7

206 11 1

It had been a few weeks since the makanae and I had started putting his proposal together. It was all coming along nicely and beautifully. He was supposed to do it this evening and I couldn't be more excited for them. A little jealous but excited none the less. I currently sat on the couch waiting for everyone to come back from dance practice. I'm going to be so out of shape by the time I start this shit up again. My stomach had swelled to the size of a beach ball and my temper had gotten much higher. I'm also getting so very ready for this child to be out of my body. I wanted a glass of water an hour ago but am unable to get off the damn couch. And man was I sexually frustrated. The last time I had sex was when the little bastard was conceived. We've tried but it always gets so uncomfortable that I can't focus on anything. I let out a frustrated sigh and at that moment the door opened and voices began to pool into the room. I saw everyone come in and smiled when I saw Jooheon who smiled back. He came up to me and leaned down before kissing the top of my head. "Hello handsome." I blushed and smiled at him before pushing him away and holding my hand out for him. He got the hint and helped me stand up. As I got my water the door opened once more and managers walked in. "Where's Minhyuk?" I came out of the kitchen and I to view. "I'm right here." "When the hell is that tumor going to be removed? We are losing money thanks to you. Not to mention what kind of tumor makes you swell up so large you take up the whole room?" I could see everyone's eyes widen as I felt my anger begin to boil. "Well if it's that big of a deal for you then maybe you should just take me out of the group." "What are you saying! Minhyuk don't be stupid." I glared at Wonho and then at the managers. "What's it going to be huh? Are you going to wait patiently for the next two months or are you going to replace me?" I watched the orders jaw tighten before loosening and looking at the other manager. Their fists were balled up and I was waiting for one of them to throw a punch. "You can at least still sing can't you?" I nodded my head. I had told them I could record songs just not videos. "Then we would like to see everyone in the studio tomorrow morning. 8 am sharp. We will start recording the songs for the next album." Everyone held their breath as the two older men walked out of the room. As soon as the door shut behind them I could hear each of them let out a long and raspy sigh. "What on earth were you thinking?" I looked at Kihyun and I shrugged. "We didn't exactly think this through. How am I going to explain the fact there's a baby hanging out around here? I can't exactly keep it at my parents I love them but I do not want them raising my child." Jooheon put a hand on my shoulder. "Min it's okay." I pushed his hand away. I don't know why but I feel like everyone's against me. "No it's not. I have no choice but to leave at this point. Their just going to throw me out when they find out, besides how would we keep it out of the public eye and keep conspiracies at bay? Not to mention it's either me or all of us okay? I just have to leave..." I began to cry. "Min." I looked at Shownu through watery eyes. "I can't speak for everyone else but if your not in this band then I don't want to be in it either. Without you we aren't Monsta X." Hyungwon smiled and nodded as did Kihyun. "Shownu has a point." I smiled at I.M. As did Jooheon who began to rub my back. "Your the love of my life and carrying my child. I go where you go baby." Everyone turned towards Wonho. He was the only one not saying anything. I wiped my tears away and looked at him as well. "Look I personally would like to keep performing but I also get it. So yeah I would dismember as well but maybe we should just tell manager hyung. Maybe it would help soften the blow?" Jooheon shook his head. "We slipped up and slept together in the same bed once and when they saw it they told us if it was what they thought it would be the end of us. They are not going to be okay with this." I noticed everyone shoulders slump slightly and let out a deep breath. "Look. I love you guys and I appreciate you not wanting to continue without me but it's obvious you don't want to stop. I will tell them the truth tonight and I will keep Jooheon and all of you out of it and then I will either have to resign or they'll take me out themselves. Don't put your dreams into a box just because I won't be there okay?" Everyone looked at the ground and nodded all except Changkyun. "You can't do it tonight." I looked at him confused. "I need some advice tonight." I took the hint and nodded. "Oh yeah. Tomorrow morning then." The day went on and when the sun went down I followed the youngest member to the boardwalk. He had rose pedals strewn across and candles lit along the railing. The pedals made a circle where he could stand and kneel to make the love of his life his forever. We walked into the middle and he smiled. "I think it's perfect Changkyun." He looked at me and his grin got slightly bigger. "I'm really happy you like it." I smiled at him as he walked out of the circle. "I'm glad you like it so much." I watched as Jooheon came out of the shadows and walked into the circle himself. I gave him a confused look as he kissed me gently. "I wanted you to plan this because I would have messed it up." He got down onto one knee and it began to click in my brain what was happening. I could feel the tears sting my eyes and I smiled at him. "Lee Minhyuk. Will you make me the happiest man and be mine for life?" "Yes!" I nodded my head. "A million times yes!" He got up and hugged me before putting a simple band on my ring finger. He then hugged and kissed me. We then wrapped our arms around each other and I looked at the other two. "So are you guys not together?" They shook their head. "No we are. Just not ready to get engaged yet." I smiled at them and kissed Jooheon one last time. This night couldn't be better. And I was right. It couldn't be better but it could be a hell of a lot worse. When we walked into the dorm the managers were sitting on the couch with Dr. Minu. There was no way for this to end well. "A stomach tumor Minhyuk?" I looked at the doctor. He did not seem phased by the question. "Yes sir." He nodded his head before standing up. "Your doctor came by to see you about it. Now we'd like to know exactly what all he has to say but he says we can't be around for it without your permission." I looked at the doctor with pleading eyes. This is not how I wanted the rest of the night to go. "I will tell you guys every detail in the morning if you'd leave us to speak in peace tonight." They eyes me down for a moment before agreeing and leaving the room. Once we were sure they were gone I sat down with the doctor Jooheon next to me. "We will give you guys some privacy." "I smiled at Kihyun. "I appreciate it but you guys will be the first to find out so your more than welcome to stay." Everyone smiled at sat in different locations of the room. "What brings you by?" "I thought a visit would be better than a phone call." I held my breath. This could be terrible news. "The truth is there is a good chance the baby won't be alive when we extract it." I looked at him confused as did everyone else. "But we heard the heart beat how could she not be alive?" The doctor looked at Hyungwon with concern. "I'm... we're having a girl?" The youngers eyes widened and he put his hands over his mouth. "I am so sorry Min." I looked over at Jooheon and he smiled at me. "So your telling me that this being in my body this little girl isn't alive?" "Now I didn't say she wasn't currently alive. He was right the heart beat is there strong and healthy but there is a very high chance that die to the risk factor of what is going on with your body once she is removed she won't make it." I could feel every muscle in my body tighten and tears began to spring once more. "This can't be." I began to sob. Jooheon held me tight I could feel his tears hitting the top of my head as well. I wanted to comfort him as well but I couldn't move. I couldn't stop sobbing. "I'm sorry for the news." Dr. Minu stood up and left the dorm leaving me and Jooheon to cry for the loss of our unborn child. The others tried to comfort us but there was nothing they could do. The next morning I awoke before anyone else. I then headed towards the managers office. I felt another pang in my heart as I felt her kick. Once to the door I knocked and waited for them to give me the okay. Once it was given I walked in and stood by the door. "I don't have a tumor. I'm pregnant. I've been telling everyone a tumor because the doctors can't figure out how it's humanly possible and I don't know how to explain it. There's a chance she won't even survive but if she does I have no idea how I would shield her from the world so that no one knew I was a father much like I know how much you guys disapprove of any of us being gay so if your going to fire me do it now." They stared at me stunned for a moment before whispering to one another. I don't think they expected me to be that honest with them. "Look Minhyuk. Your group has given starship the biggest ratings we've ever received. A lot of it has to do with how well you all get along and care for each other outside of your talent. Tell us who the father is and you can stay. We will figure out away to keep it from the public." I let out a shaky breath I didn't even know I was holding in and smiled. "Thank you." I bowed for a moment and looked back at them. "It is Jooheon." They didn't Look the least bit surprised and just nodded before shooing me away so that I could get ready to sing. I thanked them once more and left the room. I practically ran back to the dorm and told everyone the good news. For a small moment it helped me forget that I may not be able to see my baby girl alive.

My One and Only (Jooheon x Minhyuk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang