Chapter 1. Bad Luck

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Many may say "sipping tea with the Devil" is something you shouldn't be proud of but I'd call it an achievement. Being the only one to survive it an get another invitation. Only few know the full story, but soon it will be millions. It all started when I was going to work.

I was late and knew I'd get fired as soon as I got to the office. "And don't even think about receiving your monthly check!", my boss exclaimed shoving me out of the company doors. I called it. I had a smile of contempt spread across my face and a box of my stuff in my hands. I headed to my car and sat the box in the passenger seat, then went around to my side of the car and opened the door.

Getting into the car, a tingle went down my spine, not the good kind either. I ignored it and began driving home.

I was singing along to the song on the radio and waiting to see intersections. When one came I smiled seeing my light was green. "Today just has to be my lucky day!" I said happily, as this seemed to never happen to me. I didn't slow down and keep going on towards the intersections. I kept going, nothing felt off. Oh, was I in for a surprise. As I made my way throught the intersection when a car speed through on both sides of me. Neither of them stopping or slowing down. The last thing I heard was the sound of metal crushing metal.

I woke up to find myself untouched. Nothing had moved besides the drivers of the other cars. They were outside of their cars looking at the damage done to their cars. "Wow," I said to myself as I moved out of the car. One of the drivers look up,but not at me, at the wreck behind me. He rushed over there and froze looking through the driver side window.

I turned away after I saw the other driver do the same. I looked to what was ahead of me. An ambulance and police cars. They were in a hurry, as they past me I was pushed by a huge wind. My eyes widened as I realised what had just actually happened. "Did that car just-" my thought were interrupted by a envelope that had been blown perfectly onto my face. I watched it slowly glide to the ground.

After picking it up, I read what was written ever so neatly on the flat side of it. "Willow Mercy", my full name. I opened it. The only thing written on it or that I could read was "You're Invited".

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