Chapter 11. Just Sign

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"Why did you end the 'tour' here" I asked turning to see the door close behind me. I burshed off the creepy action, could've sworn nothing was up here, such a quiet being, if not. I turned back to Lucifer, whom was still leaning on the office desk.

"Simply what I had wished to discuss with you, Willow. Take a seat." he motions to a cozy chair in front of the desk as he took his own behind the desk. "So, you're going to answer my question?" I asked, without thinking, sitting down in the chair. "Yes," he said scooting his seat forward, "I'd like to discuss an alternative to spending eternity in Hell." He seemed serious. It was unexpected. Was he being nice, ironic! Ruler of Hell having a soft spot for a damned human. "This way I won't be burdened with your presence" he mumured. My heart dropped. What? 'Burdened'? I sighed in reply to hearing that. Lucifer, bastard. 

"Continue. The alternative, yes?" I continued feeling wounded. He nodded and looked me in the eyes. "You remeber the man from before, right? The other man you meet in the coffee shop." He stopped giving me a chance to responed. Cole! I puffed my cheeks and nodded. He resumed, "He is sort of like a death omen. He shows up with or around death, he seeks the souls that are owed to me." I nodded absorbing the information, "You seem like you would enjoy doing that as well." He lean forward. "What?" was the only word that came to mind at that moment. "Would you enjoy claiming the dead for me, alongsided Cole?"

It was crazy! Walk around with the living and take the beings of 'sinners'. Why was he offering this to me, he's crazy, too. Heh, guess I'm crazy too, because before I knew I was nodding my head wildly. He surpressed a chuckled and began digging through the desk drawers. He disappeared and reappeared beside me. He had a business smile on and was holding a pen. "All you have to do is sign" he said. I looked over to see a very cartoonishly thick contract. I turned back to Lucifer. "Is that all just from being your death omen?" I asked concerned

"For the most part," He stated, "Just a little this and that about regulations, restrictions, you belonging to me, injuries, adjustement to life as an immortal" he rammbled of quickly. "Just sign it! I'm sure you'll be gald with that decision." He placed the pen in front of me, urging me to sign. "Ok" I gave him a glance before following along as he quicly guided me through the contract stopping every now and then to have me sign or initial here and there. Within half and hour or less we had everything signed and he had it in his hands.

Lucifer gave on last flip through the mound of paper before nodding to the both of us and placing the contract away. As he put it away, I only saw the crown of his head as a massive grin grew on his face. 

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