Chapter 13. Reaper Rundown

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3rd Person pov.

As Cole shrugged off what he had walked in on, he gripped Willow's hand and dragged her out and began showing her the ropes. They somehow managed to get to the crust of Earth. Cole explained that they were invisible to everyone but to the people they were there for. As Cole continued, Willow learned that all of this was very weird and that Cole had one of the strangest jobs Unknown to man.

Cole was what he liked to call a bad omen, a sign of the end of the road for your good fortune. He wasn't the only one either, there are many around the world and Cole was the omen for this part of the world. As the pair continued their stroll, they made their way to a nearby park to relax. They were exhausted from walking for 2 hours without any breaks. They rested their legs and chatted, allowing Willow to learn more about her future career. They soon got distracted, digressing from the topic, now listen to Cole tell Willow jokes and hilarious stories of his afterlife with Lucifer. The two sat giggling for a few minutes until they heard a strange noise bringing them back to the topic at hand. Cole sighed and stood, stretching, " Back to teaching." he mumbled waiting as you stood up from where they had been resting.

They continued walking, Cole resuming the tour of his working space.  He seemed a little bored so he began asking questions about Willows's life before she died.  Turns out her life ended at a fairly good time, she was a successful manager of a rising company and she had made amends with her family. Willow was okay with being fired, after all, she had been late multiple times before. She was only upset that something had messed up and she had to relive that fateful day all over again. They continued their conversation as they headed to the end of the tour. Cole brought them to the cemetery, a good stopping point, right? The same place where life comes to rest after their end is the same place he was ending the rundown of being a bad omen.

They walked passed some head stone. Cole continued to talked as Willow walked beside him, then his eye widen as he rushes forward. "What are you doing? Cole! Slow down!" Willow shouted chasing after him. Passing four graves, Cole stops and point at the grave. "Isn't this-" "James, yeah" Willow interrupted. She had forgot he'd died a few years back. With everything now flooding back, that hospital visit was very strange. What had Willow slip by her? Why was he there?

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