Chapter 10. 31st Floor

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"Welcome back, Willow", Lucifer's words came out without hesitations but were laced with anger. I couldn't think of anything to say as I stared at his cold expression and gritted teeth smile. His 'happy' expression reeked of anger and rage, still he force himself to remain calm, as he seemed to not want to cause a commotion. His three peice suit was desheveled with his hair a mess, making him look as if he rushed over to the café on short notice. At last, I watched Lucifer sigh, slightly pinching the brigde of his nose,as he began to rid himself of his anger. 

Starting again, Lucifer began to talk, "Welcome back, Wilow. After you've drank the tea Cole ordered for you, we will begin your sentencing of enternity in hell." he was smiling now, "I will be giving you a personal tour of the lot of Hell!" His chin was placed in his plam while he smiled at me. He looked much more pleased as he did this action. And just like that I was left weirded out and Lucifer now at peace as silence took over our "conversation" and the café became lively with idle chatter. It didn't last long, however, as Lucifer straightened his posture. The waitress walked to our table and gently placed the two cups infront of us. 

She left. "Drink it," Lucifer barked as I picked up my cup. I gave him a bored look and said 'duh' as I brought it to my mouth. The smell of the tea hit my nose, it was very...pleasant. Lucifer was leaning forward in his seat as he waited for me to take a sip. "Drink it, dammit! You're sower than a snail." he sounded like an anxious child as his words leapt from his mouth. I chuckled and did as he said this time. I took a small taste of the tea and sat the cup back on the table, or tried to but Lucifer pushed it back up, "All of it." he pressed the cup up to my lips. His hand tilted the cup and forced me to drink, and I did. 

Soon, Lucifer finished his own tea and pulled me out the café to start on our tour.  He gleefully dragged me around most of Hell. When we'd enter one of the nine circles, he'd happily make a comment about my life relating to the circle, "When you stole money from your little brother", "Why did you slap that kid?", "You used to be such a pig!" and more were what I heard as he slowly made his way to the end of the tour.

Lucifer finally stopped smiling and gained a rather stotic facial expression. He fixed his tie, placing it towards the middle of his chest. We were now outside of what Lucifer told me was his office. It looked to have at the least 30 or 40 floors and for some reason, I chuckled. It was nervous chuckle that trembled off of my lips and made Lucifer turn to look at me with confusion. He only followed my line of sight, "There's and elevator," he spoke dryly. And with that we headed inside and to the elevator. The elevator ride was short, and we, well he, stepped out onto the 31st floor.  

It was quiet. This was the floor to his office after all, not many wanted to provoke the being in any way. He walked with I following not far behind. He stopped abruptly in front of a grand set of doors. I was too astonished that I hadn't slammed into his back that I'd not notice to dramatic opening of the doors he had done. I looked up from his back as he moved forword, "The office" I hushed out now over come with a sense of awe. Lucifer chuckled and leaned a desk. "Strange Little thing, you are", he shock his head. I stepped inside the large room, feeling odd just standing in the doorway observing him.

"Why did you end the 'tour' here" I asked turning to see the door close behind me.

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