Chapter 3. Meeting

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     My words came out effortlessly and emotionless. He stood queit for awhile and burst into laughter. "Cole, you can go now," he said, finally calming down, to the man in front of me that I'm guessing is Cole. All Cole did was nod and stand to leave. When he passed the other man, I heard, "I'm sorry you were stuck with her", from the new man.

     "Hey!" I stood hearing him. The man sat in Coles seat as if I hadn't said anything.

     The man was wearing a three piece suit with a red tie. I could hear the faint tapping of his dress shoes. What I'd not noticed was breath taking. His face wasn't like any other. It was just like many picture in books. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'gees, if he's ugly just say it', but that's not what I'm talking about. His jaw was sharp and define with his eyes dark without emotion. His hair was slicked back and combed around his curved horns. Yes, that is what I'm taking about. His horns made him look like the devil. A very sexy devil.

     After I was done drooling over him, I asked again, "Who are you?". Within a second his frown turned into asmirk. "Lucifer" he says easily. "What?" I questioned him dumbfounded by his statement. "Lucifer, the fallen angle, the devil, king of all demons, Lucifer," he says with great triumph, clearly trying to intimidate me.

     I lifted out of my seat with a sparkle in my eyes, "Really! Wow. Wait," I stopped, my excitment fading. He looked at me, confused, "Wait?" chuckling at my sudden realization. "Then why aren't you in hell?" Lucifer stared at me as if I was stupid for sometime before shouting, "I am" like it was going to help his case anymore.

     I shock me head, "No, you're here," I pointed to the table seperating us.

     A smirk grew on his face. "What?" I said, becoming uneasy by his silent smirk. He didn't answer me nor did he say a word. Smiply cleared his throat and straightened his tie as the clicking of shoes came into ear shot. They stopped. I looked over to see the lady from before. She now had two cups, filled with something that must of been very hot, from the amount of steam coming from them. Lucifer smiled, taking his cup from her. " How much do you have on this one?" his cup now resting on the table along with mine. The waitress stumbled a bit before finding the words, "Five dollars", "Going easy on this one?"he asked instantly after she'd gotten the words out of her mouth. She only nodded and turned back to the front of the café, walking away.

     Lucifer turned to face me now with an expression only expressed as joy. "Where do you think we are?"

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