Chapter 3

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Audrey became nervous. "Embarrassing? How do you mean?"

Kat finished walking Audrey through the playroom and walked right past a nursery room to sit Audrey down on a couch in the living room part of the house. "Well you know how I said I needed help with the 5 year old boy? His name is Lucas. Lucas is having trouble adjusting to my daycare for a number of reasons. First, he's older and doesn't have anyone to play with his own age and second, he's still not completely potty trained. Lucas is a special case that I had to come up with a special solution for. That's when I came up with an idea that only you can help with!"

"How can I help? I don't know anything about potty training or anything like that."

"My idea is going to sound far fetched, but just hear me out a second. What if there was a new kid his own age in daycare enrolling today? You!"

"Me? You think anyone's going to believe I'm five years old!?"

"Well, you are pretty short, Audrey. You're really not much taller than Lucas. Maybe we'll tell him you're five and a half or something, as long as he thinks there's another kid to play with him his age he's going to have a much better time."

"I guess it could work. But how am I supposed to act like a little kid?"

"I mean, don't you already play video games and watch cartoons? Just sit down and watch tv, grab a toy, use your imagination, you know! It's not that hard."

Audrey looked over from the couch at the nursery and the playroom, considering her options. "I'm sorry, I just can't do it."

"Oh well, I'll just call Lily. I'm sure she won't mind leaving her busy work to pick you up because you couldn't help out like you said you would." Kat picked up her cell phone and started scrolling through her contacts.

"Okay fine, I'll do it. I'll do whatever you need me to do."

Kat put down her phone and hugged Audrey against her chest. "I'm so glad and I know Lily is going to be thrilled too! Thank you so much Audrey, you're the best!"

Audrey smiled, thinking about Lily rewarding her for helping her sister out. It had been awhile since Audrey and Lily had been intimate because of the growing resentment between them, but she was sure that doing a favor this big for her sister would really get things back to how they used to be, when they had mutual respect and attraction to each other. Having her face right against Kat's huge breasts made Audrey's emotions start to swirl around even more.

Kat let go of Audrey and sat up straight. "Okay, let's go over how this is going to work as well as the rules."

Audrey's Time in DaycareWhere stories live. Discover now