Chapter 7

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Audrey sat, watching Elmo on Sesame Street. She stared at the Barbie in her hands, not remembering how to properly play with toys and dolls. So she just stroked its hair and watched tv, not knowing what was going to happen next.

Kat opened the door, greeting several parents and their children. Audrey glanced over at them for a second, but quickly looked away back at the tv because she didn't want them to clock her as someone too old to be in daycare. They were mostly young mothers around her own age dropping off a few babies and carrying them past the playroom into the nursery.

One of the mothers looked in at the playroom over at Audrey and said, "Kat, who is that little girl over there?"

"Oh that 'little girl' is actually my nephew! My sister sent him to me for punishment because he can't use the potty."

"Oh my, I thought he really was a little girl!" One mother said. "I didn't know your sister even had children."

Kat explained, "Yes, actually recently adopted."

"Well you make a very cute little girl! Good luck on the potty training, Kat. You're the expert so I'm sure you know how to help your nephew."

"Goodbye ladies, see you tonight."

Audrey was a little bit upset that Kat was making up new things she hadn't gone over yet. now Kat was her aunt?! She supposed that she had to tell the mothers something and make sure the story was the same as what she will tell Lucas. Kat made sure the babies were settled in the nursery, in cribs and playpens. Then she came back out to check on Audrey. "Are you thirsty, Audrey?"

"Yes please Kat."

"You can't call me Kat. You can call me Aunt Kat, Auntie, or Ms. Kat like the children call me."

"Yes please Auntie Kat."

Kat went into the kitchen and poured some apple juice into a sippy cup and handed it to Audrey before getting bottles for the other children.

"Thank you Auntie Kat." Audrey was hesitant about drinking out of a sippy cup, not even sure if five year olds still drink out of them.

The doorbell rang again and Kat went to answer the door. At the door was another mother, a little bit older and a little boy. The mom dropped him off in a bit of a hurry and Kat walked him to the playroom.

"Hey Lucas look we have a new friend here! Lucas, what do you say to our new friend here?"

"Hello little girl, I'm Lucas." Lucas very politely stuck out his hand.

Kat interjected, "This 'little girl' is actually my nephew but he's being punished and kept as a girl so we all call 'her' Audrey."

Audrey blushed and stuck out her hand. She tried her best to make her voice sound smaller and younger, "Hello Lucas, I'm Audrey."

Lucas looked at Audrey and laughed. "Haha they made you look like a girl! What did she do?"

"Well Lucas, she was a really bad girl and can't learn to use the potty like a big boy. That's what happens to little boys in my daycare who can't act like big boys." She then went back to finish feeding the babies.

"Yes Ms. Kat." Lucas stopped laughing and sat down beside Audrey and grabbed some Legos and a dinosaur toy. Lucas turned to her and said, "Why are we watching this show? It's for babies. And why are you drinking a sippy cup for babies?"

Audrey replied, "Nuh uh it's not for babies. And Auntie got the sippy cup for me."

"Okay I guess you're just a baby girl then."

Audrey was taken aback at how much this child's mockery hurt her, she tried her best not to let it get to her and just sat there finishing her apple juice. Lucas took the remote and changed the channel to some cartoons that he wanted to watch. Audrey stood up to put her sippy cup in the sink when she noticed a wet spot where she had just been sitting. She looked down, only then realizing that she was currently flooding her pull-up with pee. And it leaked all over.

Lucas looked up at her, seeing the saggy pull-up under her jumper, and pee running down her legs. "Ms. Kat! Audrey wet herself!"

Audrey's Time in DaycareWhere stories live. Discover now