Chapter 4

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Rules? Audrey began to wonder what exactly she had gotten herself into.

"First, you have to look the part of a little five year old girl. You're already about the right size. You're really just going to need some younger looking clothes and luckily for you I've got an outfit picked out for you right here."

Kat reached beside the couch, grabbing a duffel bag. She opened it and pulled out a little blue overall jumper and a pastel pink t-shirt. She stared at Audrey for a second and said, "Hmm, I think I know exactly what will complete the look too!"

She pulled out two pink ribbons and tied Audrey's shoulder length hair into pigtails. She then applied a little bit of blush to bring out a more youthful appearance in Audrey's face. Kat sat back and examined Audrey again. "Okay, let's get you dressed- oh wait I forgot the most important thing!"

Audrey was confused, what else could she wear to look younger?

Kat reached into the duffel bag one more time and produced a pink pull-up.

Audrey stared in disbelief. "Nope, there's no way I'm wearing that."

"Every child in my daycare has to wear a diaper, or a pull-up if they're older, it's one of my rules. And besides, it will make Lucas feel better to see another kid his own age who needs pull-ups."

"Why do I need to wear it though? It's not like anyone's going to see what I'm wearing under my clothes," Audrey asked.

"Well, that's not really true. Lucas is still being potty trained and so I'm in the bathroom with him all the time and I'll be taking you in there as well."

"You're going to potty train me? Wait a second, did Lily know that this was what you were planning for me to do?"

"Yes, I told her my entire plan. I feel really bad that she didn't tell you the truth about the situation, I'm sure she knew that you wouldn't agree to go along with it. But it's really not that crazy is it? Lily and I both agree that only you can help this child and you'd be doing me such a favor."

Audrey couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was considering calling up Lily and telling her that her sister was crazy, but she knew that it would only put a much heavier strain on their marriage. No, the only thing to do is play along for now. She was fine with the idea of pretending to be a kid for a few hours, so how hard could it be to wear a pull-up and show Lucas how to use the toilet?

"Okay fine, I'll do whatever you say, Kat. As long as this helps Lucas out, I'll be happy to help I guess."

Kat cheered, "Yay Audrey, I'm so happy! Let's get you changed, little missy. But before we do, I have one more thing we need to address, and that's your *ahem*.. your penis."

Audrey's Time in DaycareWhere stories live. Discover now