2 - Connected

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She started playing the intro to our song, plucking the strings carefully with her delicate fingers

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She started playing the intro to our song, plucking the strings carefully with her delicate fingers. I watch her through the monitor of my screen as we practice together through Skype on my Mac.

Practicing had always been my way to be better at the things I do. Even if it's something not for me, once I put enough focus and concentration, I'll be able to do it.

For me, nothing can't be learned. And practice makes progress.

Well, it's not my first-time rehearsing songs for a certain performance, but... it's the first time I'd done it privately with someone I'll be performing with.

We had another practice with the group of musicians, 10 cm, and Jihyo yesterday... somehow like a dry run but we were advised we'll have another practice that'll be on stage on the day of the event.

She lifted her head and turned her gaze to the screen, looking at me, signaling the start of the song to where I started off singing slowly while my guitar rests on my lap.

I noticed she smiled softly then bowed her head again to concentrate on the strings that play the melody while I sang this kind of melancholic yet dark melody, a song about an excessive fixation on love.

We've memorized everything to perfection already.

But when we got to the chorus...

"I'm creepin' in your heart babe..."

She suddenly sang Jung Yeol's part which I back-voiced. It surprised me, given that we don't want to get used to singing other's parts, we avoided the lyrics and just hummed or sang inside our heads. But her voice, which is several tones higher than mine, blended perfectly with mine.

We've already harmonized on the other songs but not in Monster and she did it easily, perfectly.

We did not stop until the end of the last song but as soon as we finished, I immediately clapped my hands to which she also clapped hers with her usual shy demeanor.

"Uwah... that was great!" I continued clapping.

"Thank you so much for your time, Chanyeol-ssi. Now I'm confident I'll be doing well on our performance." She bowed and smiled.

She had asked if I still get nervous about every performance and to be honest, I still do. Though most times, since I'm with my members, that anxiety is exchanged by the enjoyment of performing together. It's always fun, especially with the loud cheers of our fans. And that is exactly what I told her.

"I didn't expect you'll sing sunbaenim's part. That surprised me... and it's really great." I said, smiling at her.

"I'm sorry." She shyly waved her hands in front of the monitor, "I couldn't help but sing it. But thank goodness I was able to harmonize fast with you."

"You really have a beautiful voice, Chaeyoung-ssi. It's incredibly attractive. Gives me goosebumps sometimes."

"Goosebumps? Creepin' you out?" she asked, giggling. "It's because it's cold already. Please bundle up."

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