27 - If The Situation Is Reversed

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"So... have you told him? You know, Rosie, you can still go and leave without us." Ally spoke softly. But my lower lip curls into a pout.

It's already October and Channie's schedule got more and more hectic for the rest of this year because of their concert tour which will start this coming November. They have rehearsals left and right, plus product endorsement, meetings, and individual schedules. 

It took a while for him to clear up a few days off his schedule for our. He's pretty much booked for the last quarter of the year and I was kinda worried if we could really push this trip through, I even suggested that we could just schedule this trip for next year if its's really impossible for him to free those desired dates for November. 

Even if I said that... I didn't like the thought of it. 

In our line of work, I have to consider and weigh which is heavier. I know what he should prioritize because if our situation is reversed, I know he would've suggested the same.

However, he told me:

"You know, I'm the one who promised you that I'll take you out on a date to see the moon. I should be the one planning this. I feel like I'm breaking my promise if we couldn't go this year... the only thing I can do now is spare those consecutive days so we could finally go... I'm actually really excited."

It actually breaks my heart to see how obviously tired he is while forcing himself to stay awake and appear energetic. But I guess, this is just how he really is, and it's very admirable and inspiring.

To be honest, I even envied how busy he is; working with his group while also working with his own music and making time for his hobbies and me. Meeting me at his place when he could've jusr stayed at their dorm is already enough sacrifice just so we can spend time together.

He's doing a really great job in keeping me happy, as well as his company and his fans.

If the situation is reversed, I don't know if I can handle all these like how well he's doing it but since he showed me this perseverance, I think I can also manage it.

But sometimes, I can't help but worry about how this perseverance would affect his health in the future. However, worrying won't be able to do anything now and all I could do is to take care of him, hoping I can make him happy as well.

In the end, he was able to allot 3 days for this trip and it's the perfect time for the full moon and it's already winter. This trip should be by the time of his birthday but he really wanted me to see the moon. Also, he's gonna celebrate his birthday at the concert so we can't really do anything about it. November 27 is already taken by the fans and I'm not even complaining about it.

But all of a sudden...

I found out about a surprise visit by my family with Ally's slip of the tongue.

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