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I'm lonely that you're lonely, our song on the radio starts to play— if we could time travel back to the past, I'll bring us both to yesterday. The hours of love in this room still haunts me before I go to sleep— thinking maybe you're thinking of me, when all I can do is weep. I'm lonely that you're lonely, our song on the radio starts to play— if I could find a map back to your heart, I'll keep it safe, for baby I've lost my way. The secret field we once shared still remains like the memories in my pen— darling my heart is such a stubborn thing, it loves you over and over again. I'm lonely that you're lonely, our song on the radio starts to play— if you could find the words that could heal me, I'll keep it in my heart till' I have nothing left to say.

I love it when you say the word 'forever' and the word 'home' in the same sentence.bI feel like writing one and it's this "Home is where forever lives." You are the 'good' to my night and you are the 'thank god' to my Fridays. Whenever you are here I sleep much softly as I pray to god on Sundays to love you thrice. In sadness, in loneliness, and in paradise. But tonight is a bit of a blur and I only have one thing to look forward to: to love you in the morning.

If I am the night sky, and you the stars, maybe we could create canvases of a starry painting filled with spectacles no one has witnessed. If you're the words and I the paper, let's compose tales that hold brilliant meaning. If you're the lyrics and I am the melodies, we can pour out song with beautiful harmony. You could be the art within a museum, a treasure that can only be discovered through the correct eyes, and when they find you, they would light up with admiration that claims "How marvelous!" I could be those eyes. Maybe you're my oxygen; the only reason I breathe, I live, and without you I doubt I would survive. You're the only hope I have in this dim and dismal world. You're the bright candle that chases away the darkness of a cruel reality. I hope the flicker never fades. You mean everything to me, and the inevitable fate of death terrifies me to no end. I couldn't care less about dying, but if you were to leave this world, my everything would die too. The delightful soul you are deserves to stay in a world of joy, where we both exist beside each other, never wishing to separate. Maybe we complete each other, at least,that's what I believe. I hope you feel the same way, my darling, for I love you to no end.

I'm glad I didn't commit suicide before I met you because by then I'd never have the chance to know someone like you. The person who made me realize that I have so many things to live for. Like falling in love and all the beautiful things that you do without you realizing that keeps me in the state of always falling. Thank you.

limerence.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang