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we were two stars in the sky shining brightly, fiercely, with a connection so vivid no-one could deny. our passion was strong. we loved each other. but when the future rolled by, even love couldn't conquer all. it was neither you nor me who caused the bond to falter; it was simply the right person in the wrong place, at the wrong time. and so, before we could fall from the sky, i let our connection burn until all that remained was a thin trail of dust between you and i.

though the birds sing the sweetest of melodies, and the soft summer breeze brushes against my cheeks; my thoughts linger on the bitter winter days where you and i were shattered glasses, whose shards dug deep into each others hearts.

the silence that separates us rings so loudly i must cover my ears. yet, i know the fault is not mine, for i cannot meet your selfish demands. you who believes the world centers around you, you who believes i only care about you, you who is blinded by their own self-love, you are wrong. please, don't get me wrong. i love you but, there are others whom i love, others who i would also risk my life for, my family, my friends, myself. the universe centers around none, so please don't expect me to.

you and i both know that we could do so much better without each other, and yet we hold on so tightly, claw at each other until our hands leave bloody fingerprints on our torn skin and we wonder if we'll ever be free. and i wish i could close my eyes and jump the fence, but i know that you'd go down with me if i fell. so i stay, with my bleeding heart clutched in my hands and my lungs trying to draw one shaking breath after another, silently hoping that one day one of us will be brave enough to cut the ties.

the tears that fall in a place for the eyes to see, they seem to misunderstand that this is weakness red eyes and wet face, a vulnerable phase but some know better that the tears are of wrath, freshly burning emotions are high and flying colliding into anything and anyone who thinks danger is fun.

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