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love, a noun, it is defined as "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person". to me, love is more than that. love is more than just a noun and a definition. i can't define love in my own words. but i can try.

love is a deep, passionate, intense understanding of a person that you look past their flaws and still wanting nothing but them. love is so many things. you can love a animal or a flower. you can love a color or a song lyric. but loving a person is everything.

loving a person comes with loving them on their bad days and loving them even more on their good days. you want to see them thrive even higher than they ever have. you want to watch and help them grow while being right by their side. love is more than a feeling. love is also a choice. each morning and each night you make and made the choice to continue loving someone or something. each morning and each night you made the choice to not give up on them. you think of them all minutes of the day. you'll be in class or at work and you'll think of something funny they told you and start blushing. you'll want them to be the first you tell everything to. you'll want to kiss them all the time. you'll want to be in their presence all the time. you want nothing but them and even if you could have the best, you'd choose them.

someday when you look at them you'll just stare straight into their eyes and it'll hit you. you'll look at them, their eyes being your favorite color, and stare. you'll start thinking of moving in together. the first times you make love. how it'd be like to be proposed to or to propose. you see walking down the isle or seeing them walk up the isle. you see telling them you're pregnant. you see the tears from all the hard work and love. you see your first child with them, crying together over the life you made. you'll stare at them and just think "this is the one for me".

but all the great things about love come with things that destroy you. sometimes the one you love doesn't love you back. sometimes they love you back but the timing just isn't right. sometimes you love more than you should or you don't love as much as you should. if things end you'll see them around and maybe they'll say hi to you, maybe you never stop talking, or just maybe you look at them and you they look at you but you walk past like strangers. it's ironic isn't it? the person you once knew too well turns into someone you don't know anymore.

love can turn from something so beautiful to something so devastating. you can cry for days and night while they kiss someone else and not feel a thing. you can cry for days and night as you let someone else make love to your body but not your heart. you can beg for them back time after time and still end up without them. you can have them back but still end up alone.

everyone tells you how beautiful love is. how thrilling. but do they tell you about how you can cry all day and even when you think you're done, you cry more. you can be cheated on, see the person you put 100% into and watch them make love to another person. you can be left without a single explanation, which sometimes is better than knowing. you can look at them and one day just think, "this isn't what i want anymore" or "i can't do this anymore". at times fights can become too harsh and slowly become physical. things besides our hearts become broken. sometime we know when to walk away. but sometimes we stay because they always tell you how it is to love but they never tell you how it is to leave.

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