Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Sutton was laying on her mom's couch with her 3 month old daughter Ansley Grace laying on her chest sleeping. Shelia her mom came in and said "Baby your phone dinged."

"Oh thanks mom." she said as she took her phone. 



Subject: Meeting

"I need you both to be here at 9AM tomorrow morning for a meeting." 

Then she saw another email from Nick Fury



Subject "Athlete MEETING"

"Have your team members meet at the gym at 10AM with their parents and you as well." 

Sutton sighed and pulled up her group message and typed out "ATTN : ALL CHEERLEADERS PLEASE REPORT TO THE GYM at 10AM TOMORROW MORNING." 

She got a slew of text messages from the girls asking questions and she replied to all of them. She had been hired to be the new cheerleading squad head coach at Brooklyn High as well as a English teacher. She attended NYU just like the rest of the coaches and was a cheerleader but she wasn't close to any of the girls she cheered with she only used cheerleading to get into college. Ansley started to wake up and so she sat up and pulled her breast out and let her eat as she called Fury.

"Hello." he said as he answered

"Hey Coach Fury um that meetings tomorrow um I don't exactly have a baby sitter for my daughter is it okay if I bring her with me?'" she said

"That's fine with me. I don't mind" He said

"Ok thank you. It's just my mom is who I live with and I don't really trust anyone else to watch her so and my mom works day shift at the hopsital." she said 

"It's fine I don't mind." he said 

"Ok thank you." she said. 

Bucky was at football practice when him and the other coaches got the emails and he whispered "Geez Nick way to be last minute." as he read them. 

He blew his whistle and said "Boys huddle up." 

"Before you go I need to let you all know that there will be athlete meeting tomorrow morning at 10AM in the gym and you are to bring your parents as well. Don't be late you all can go home." he said 

He walked off and Steve said "Hey man.. you doing okay?'

"You mean like how am I doing in general or how am I doing since my wife sprung a divorce on me? Cause right now I"m ready to punch something cause she has already moved out and moved on Steve how about that. We get divorced on my birthday and she's already moved on with some other dude and booked it to LA to be with him cause she met him online." he said as they walked to their cars.

"Well I was just meaning in general but it's nice to know that the divorce is over." Steve said

"Yeah well Brynlee made sure that it was done before she left. I just wish we could of worked it out cause we had been together so long but I understand that we grew apart we weren't the same kids we were when we were students here but it still stings that she sprung it on me 4 months ago after a year of marriage." he said 

"I know Buck.. but you never know what may happen you might meet someone knew." Steve said

"Psh I'm done with love." he said as he got in his truck.

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