Chapter 10: Our Happy Ending

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On February 14th Sutton gave birth to Ryan James at 4 in the morning. Bucky was in tears as he watched his son come into the world. He came out looking just like Bucky dark hair and blue eyes like his daddy. He was holding him and he said "I"m going to teach everything grandpa taught me that includes girls and how to throw a football and be the best quarterback you can be." 

She smiled as she watched him be daddy to his son and said "James." 

"Yeah baby." he said 

"This is our happy ending ." she said

"Yes it is baby.. our fairytale." he said 

She smiled and he came over and laid beside her on the bed with their son. Her mom came in with Ansley and she said "Look Ansley that's your baby brother." 

Bucky smiled and said "Come here baby girl." as he took her and she said "Baby..." 

"Yes it's baby' Sutton said 

Bucky helped her hold him and Sutton said "Mom picture." as Bucky had both of them in his lap. "RIght baby I've got it" as she got her camera out and got a picture of the 3 of them. 

The rest of the family came in and gushed over Ryan as they passed him around Ansley fell asleep on Bucky and he whispered "Baby one more." 

She smiled and said "Yeah one more in a year of two." 

"Perfect" He said as he kissed her. 

They got to go home a few days later and she took her time off from work and after her 6 weeks was up that's when mornings got crazy for her and Bucky. Getting two kids ready before they had to be out the door by 730. But at the end of the day they had both kids laying on them sleeping and that wasn't something that made them say every night "Despite all the craziness I wouldn't trade this for the world this is our happy ending." 


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