Chapter 2: The Athlete Meeting

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When Fury seen them walk in he said "Ok I need everyone to settle down and sit down and shut up this meeting is a very serious important meeting. That is why I asked for you parents to come with your kids. 3 months ago I asked you except the incoming freshmen you all weren't here but to the sophomores juniors and seniors I asked you all in a meeting what you needed from your coaches do you remember?'

"Yes sir" they all said in unison.

"I'm sure that you have noticed that you have new coaches this year. That is a result from that meeting as well as this. These two coaches standing behind me Coach Sutton Jones and Coach James Barnes are not only your head football coach and head cheer coach they are also the new assistant athletic directors. Coach Jones and Coach Barnes are who you will report to if you have a problem with classes harassment or anything that you feel like talking to them about. I've known Coach Barnes since he played pee wee football I know he was raised parents this man right here was raised to have respect towards girls never once has this boy cat called a girl said one ill word to them or joined in on the locker room talk that is why I trusted him enough to be the male assistant athletic director. As far as Coach Jones ladies this woman standing right here look what is sitting beside her you cheerleaders already know her as your cheer coach but what you don't know is she is the best person to advocate for you if anything like what happened to 3 of our cheerleaders and dancer happens to you. Because she's been in their shoes and she came out on the other side despite everything she went through. I am making damn sure parents that what happened last school year will not happen again. IF you feel like you need to talk to them cause you notice something is off about your athlete please feel free to do so." Coach Fury said

Sutton wiped her tears and said "Um Coach Fury can I say something to the girls cause I can't necessarily speak for James." 

"Yeah go ahead." Fury said

"I um girls cheerleaders dancers softball players girls basketball what ever you may play. IF you need me please don't hesitate to call me or text me. Um because I know what it's like to wake up and realize what happened to you when you wake with bruises and you don't remember what happened all you know is you beaten and without clothes on so please if you feel like you can't call your parents cause you are scared please call me. And um I've already told Coach Barnes this but boys it can happen to you too so don't be scared to come forward just because you are a guy." she said as she shook and fought tears.

"Thank you Coach Jones" Fury said 

Bucky looked down and said "Boys and girls I want you to know I that I went here this was my high school it was also Coach Romanoff Coach Maximoff Coach Wilson and Barton and Rogers. It breaks my heart that the school athletes have been lacking in self respect dignity lack of common fucking sense to know that when a girl says no that you think that means yes and when she fights back to get you off of her you decide to hurt her. Now I don't know who this player was Fury said he was a senior but if I ever have her come into my office and tell me that one of you boys couldn't take no for answer when she doesn't want to sleep with you. You better believe your fucking ass you are off my team cause I will not have it. These girls are your cheerleaders your bread and butter to the games cause they are there to cheer you on and keep the crowd rowled up and it is heartbreaking to know that 3 of them 3 guys had someone hurt them. And I get it boys I do they are beautiful and they look great in their cheer uniforms but they are people and they have feelings."

Fury said "Does anyone have any suggestions that you would like for them two to consider to keep you all safe." 

One of the parents stood up and said "Um I would just like to suggest that you protect your girls after practice. My oldest daughter was one of the cheerleaders last year Coach Jones and Coach Barnes. Her sister "Gracie Stephens said that it happened after practice cause she waited for her sister forever after practice cause she was her ride home."

Then the other parents agreed and said "Yes please take that into consideration." 

"Yes ma'am"Sutton said 

"Anything else.." Coach Fury said 

"Are we still allowed to have after game parties or is that out of the question?' one of the football players said 

"That is something me and Coach Jones have to discuss. Because we do want you all to be safe that includes not getting a DUI. We will be discussing things and we will probably hold another one of these meetings before school starts in August." Bucky said 

"Ok if that's all the questions you all have you all are free to go." Coach Fury said 

Sutton picked up Ansley's car seat and she waited till everyone left and she started to go towards her car when Bucky ran after her. "Hey um when is a good time for us to discuss things." he said

"Oh right sorry I was just trying to get home I only made one bottle. Um I can came in anytime I just if it's during the day I have to bring her cause my mom who I live with works day shift at the hospital so if you don't mind her or mind me breastfeeding in front of you then I don't care." she said with a laugh.

"I don't mind at all I'll close my eyes." he said with a laugh. 

She swallowed hard and said "But I need to go cause she's going to be hungry again soon and I'm wearing a dress so um here's my number if you think of something." She started to tell him her number as he put it in his phone and he texted her after he did it. 

"Ok well I will let you go so you can get her home. So I'll text you later." he said 

"ok bye." she said 

"Bye Sutton." he said 

"Bye James." she said as she got in her car. 

He walked back to the school to gather up his football players and he let out breathe and whispered "God how could anyone hurt someone so beautiful." 

Steve said "You alright man?' when Bucky walked up to the football field and said "I might re think might stance on moving on." with a smile. 

Steve started laughing and said "Yeah.. I think you might too I seen you at her car but I bet seeing as Nat said she wasn't even aware of what happened to Sutton that she might be a hard person to break down." 

"I know .. I was just thinking how could anyone hurt someone so beautiful." he said 

He blew his whistle and said "Burpees boys" 

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