Chapter 6: Football Player's Fate

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Sutton went home and told her mom about her night and she hugged Sutton so tight and said "About damn time baby." 

"Mom calm down it's still new." she said 

"I know but I'm so happy." her mom said

She went upstairs and took a hot shower and then fed Ansley and then got them both ready. She braided her hair and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt and black converse shoes. She grabbed her keys and put Ansley in her car and headed to the school. She pulled in and parked next to Bucky's truck. She started to get out and he said "Hey gorgeous." 

"Hey.." she said as she opened the back door to get Ansley out and he said "I got her baby." 

He got her carseat out and he grabbed Sutton's hand as he carried Ansley as they went into the athletic department. They went into the conference room and he sat Ansley up on the conference room table. Nat said "How's Alexia?'

"She's fine.. she's going to start going to therapy and I made sure she got the morning after pill." she said 

"So what are we going to do about Knox" Steve said 

"We are going to see if he can explain his side first." Sutton said 

"Okay." Sam said 

Knox came in with his parents and sat down Sutton moved Ansley. "Can I ask what this meeting is about Coaches?' his dad said

"Knox you remember that meeting that me and Coach Jones here had over the summer about what we expected from you all." Bucky said

"Yes sir." he said 

"So why did I get a phone call at 1 in the morning from Alexia Channing scared to death and had to take her to the ER cause she had a busted lip and bruises where she was held down and she had a positive rape kit and had to take a morning after pill and she said It was you that did all that to her." Sutton said

"I had to much to drink I didn't mean to get that rough with her." Knox said 

Sutton rolled her eyes and Bucky said "Knox when one of my players hurts one of her cheerleaders there's a problem because guess what not only did she get called because it was one of my boys Coach Jones called me at 2 in the morning to come to the ER because she had to pick up one of her cheerleaders." 

"I'm sorry I tried to tell her that I was sorry and I offered to give her a ride home but she said that she would find her own way." he said 

"Why would she trust you after what you did Knox.." Sutton said 

Knox looked down and his dad said "What is going on?"

"What's going on is one of our cheerleaders was raped last night at the party they were both at and she said it was Knox Jameson." Nat said

"Knox did Alexia tell you to stop." his mom said

"She did but she had been dancing on me all night long and flirting with me all week." he said

"That doesn't mean hey I want to sleep with you Knox" Bucky said 

Sutton said "No means No. She may have been dancing with you or flirting with you but that doesn't mean you force sex on her." 

"Knox I'm sorry but you are off the team. I told you at the very beginning of the summer that I would not have this on my team and you are the one that I have the most trouble with. I hear you cat calling in the hallways especially on game day." Bucky said

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