Chapter 7: A Date In

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Bucky pulled up on his bike in front Sutton's house and he walked up and rang the door bell. Sutton's mom answered the door holding 6 month Ansley and said "You must be James she will be just a minute.. she had to pump me some milk for this little one." 

"I am James. It very nice to meet Mrs Jones." he said 

She let him in and he saw how her mom had pictures galore of Sutton and he looked around and saw pictures of her in high school and her first 2 years of college and her big smile. He felt tears in his eyes and she said "That's Sutton.."

He swallowed hard and then he seen her come down the stairs and said "Hey.." with a big smile.

"Hey gorgeous" he said with a smile.

She blushed and gave Ansley a kiss and said "Ok mom I made you 5 bottles and there's more in the freezer call me ..." 

'Shut up Penelope Sutton I have already done this once raising you I can do this with my grandaughter now you go We love you have fun." her mom said 

"Okay.." she said 

Bucky opened the door for her and grabbed her hand and helped her down the stairs and he put a helmet on her "Great now my hair is going to be a mess."

"Shut up you are beautiful and we are going to my apartment." he said 

He helped her on his bike and he put his helmet on and started it up and he said "Hold on doll baby." as they took off. 

Her mom shut the door and said "He's good baby I can tell." to her self. 

They got to his apartment and he parked next to his truck and he took off his helmet. She took off hers and he unzipped his leather jacket and got his bike cover out of his truck bed and put it back over it then they headed upstairs.

"So um when did you get your bike?' she said

"Oh I bought it a few months ago..Brynlee never liked them and I wanted one so I figured she's gone and we are divorced I'll do what ever I want so I bought it." he said 

She laughed and they went into his apartment and he said "So um I forgot about you breastfeeding when I got a bottle of wine earlier." 

"It's fine I can drink wine.. I just don't do tequila anymore." she said 

He pulled her in between her legs as the steak started to cook and he leaned his back against the counter. "Can I ask a question?' he said 

"Sure.." she said as she put her arms around his neck. 

"Can I ask why you didn't leave the party after you realized Jensen left you?' he said 

"You know how I wanted to be left alone at the party.." she said 

"Yeah." he said 

"My ex boyfriend that I told you about he broke up with me like 2 days before. Jensen begged me for two days to get out of the dorm I orginally said no but then I decided that I wanted to get drunk. So I told her I would go but she couldn't leave me but she did. She was my ride what was I suppose to do she was the only person that I knew at the party." she said

"Call an uber.. or go down the street to the football apartments we lived close to sorority row." he said

She smiled and said "Oh yeah you were a football player at NYU."

"Oh I was darlin I was the starting quarter back senior year." he said as he kissed her. 

"That would be why I didn't know.. I quit cheer my senior year." she said 

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