Battle of the Renfields

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Maria P.O.V

It had been a few weeks since Boris. Ivan wrote to us so we knew they were okay. After getting back, Boris was immediately put in a nut house. He was under heavy guard which was a relief. It was great to not have to look over our shoulders. Now, we could finally get on with our lives.

Vlad wanted to get a jumpstart on Vladdy's evilness. We would be spending the whole weekend with alchemy lessons. Renfield was demonstrating how to animate rats to the boys. Robin was naturally excited to learn which boosted Renfield's ego. Vlad was quick to stop the showboating so the lesson would be smooth. After Renfield demonstrated, he called for Vlad to try. Vladdy reluctantly got up & picked some rat tails. Right before Vladdy was going to turn on the power, Vlad pressured him with making him proud. Vladdy went to turn on the power but gave it a bit much juice. The rat tails were fried which made Vlad scowl in disappointment.

"Nice try sweety but be gentle with the power next time. I think it's time for a break. We'll have plenty of time to work more later." I assured him before ushering Vlad & Renfield out

"Why can't he enjoy being a vampire! Alchemy was my favourite class as a child." Vlad complained as we entered our bedroom

"I keep telling you that he's not a perfect copy of you. You can't expect him to like the things you do or did. All he wants is for you to be proud of him. But, you keep scolding him for being himself. That's not right growing up." I shouted back

"I just want him to be prepared. I don't want other vampires to get the better of him." Vlad explained

"Darling, he's going to be fine. He's not daft & is pretty nifty in a jam. I know that you care but you can't be so harsh about it. Keep at it & you'll end up like me & my father. Don't do that to him, please." I pleaded

"Sweetie, I swear that I'll keep trying. I'm not the best at being nice but am truly trying. I never want my relationship with the kids to get like that. It's just hard stopping old habits." Vlad apologised with big puppy eyes

I tried to say something sweet but felt nauseous. I quickly closed my mouth & ran for the loo. Vlad chased after me as I hurled. He helped me clean up & sit down on the bed.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I've no idea why I did that." I groaned

"You don't think you're pregnant again?" Vlad asked me as he cooled me down with a rag

"I'm not sure. We have been pretty loose but you'd think it would have happened earlier. Just keep an eye on me, please? It'll probably turn out to be nothing." I assured him as I cupped his face

"I suppose & I'll keep a close watch. It would be nice to have some pitter-patter again." Vlad replied

"You were adorable as a Dad to be. Maybe one day, we'll be like that again. Come on or else we'll be here all day." I chuckled before starting my day

Vladdy P.O.V

"I mean look at this: heads with necks, heads without necks, lizard entrails. Ugh, alchemy's just the same as everything to do with being a vampire. Just another excuse to get up to your elbows in blood & guts." I complained to Robin

"Vlad! Check this out." Robin called out

"And I hate it when Dad gives me one of those looks: Vladimir I'm very disappointed in you." I vented more until Robin shoved a book in my face, "Bride of Renfield?"

"Uh, no not that. That." Robin pointed out after flipping to the right page

"Potion 666: Transformig a vampire into a mortal!" I excitedly read

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