Holding grudges pt.3

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Vladdy P.O.V

"Alucard. Line 1." Integra grumbled as everyone circled the desk

"Damn it." Mum muttered as she hit a button in the phone

"Yello, about time you answered. Don't give me that pregnancy bullshit." Uncle Alucard answered

"What did you do?" Mum gnashed her teeth

"Alright. But, you can't be mad at me." He replied which made mum's knuckles turn white

"What did you do!" Integra growled

"Ok, 1st, I was minding my own business." He explained

"Bullshite!" they exclaimed

"I waass." He complained like a child

"What the hell happened whilst you were minding your own damn business?!" Mum angrily mocked him

"So I was just chillaxing in my room like a baller. And then all of a sudden these swat schmucks kick in my door. One of them called out: 'Get on your knees.' And I responded with: ' I knocked your mother last night.' And they took exception to that." He graphically recounted

"Buut, you know how that song & dance goes. Annd, I killed all but one of them." He proudly continued

"And what happened to the last one?" Integra curiously asked

"Wussed out like a bitch." He chuckled, "Silver lining: I can cancel my room service."

Everyone was silent. Mum had no expression on her face. She just sat down & turned to face the window. Integra reached into one of the desk drawers & pulled out a cigar. Walter lit it for her as she casually smoked on the desk. The tension was so thick that everyone felt it. The rest of us got comfortable in the armchairs as we waited for mum to make the next move. Uncle Alucard decided to kill the time by eating someone. His munching filled the entire room & made me sick.

"You've been really quiet for like 5 mins. Ooh, I know why you're angry. It's because I went to Brazil isn't it." He commented in between eating

"You're not that smart. Try again." Mum dryly replied as Walter wheeled in a telly

"Heheee, moral dilemma. It's been decades since you've let loose. You're overdue a massacre. I can always oblige with that." Uncle Alucard smirked before getting dark

" Just give me my orders, master. I can slaughter the rest of the filthy cattle. Millennium believed that the senior officials & the local police would be enough to stop us. They may be innocent humans but that no longer matters. I'm ready to kill them, shred them apart without a moments hesitation or the slightest hint of regret." he grimly enticed her

"We're both monsters. Why not indulge your true side? My guns are prepared for battle. My sights are trained. My magazine is fully loaded. I pull the slide & remove the safety. Everything is ready & waiting. Still, you must be the one to pull the trigger. What will you do? Keep pretending to be the lamb or bare your teeth like the wolf you are? What are your orders, my lady?" He dramatically finished. We all nervously looked at mum as she thought.

"Don't you ever question my resolve!" Mum screamed as she rose up in pure fury, "I've already given you your marching orders. Clear out those cockroaches from every crevice. No mercy! You will search & destroy, search & destroy! Make the streets overflow with their blood. Helsing does not cower from its enemies. Kill them all! I order you to drain them of every last drip!"

"Hahahaaaahaaaaaaa, I've missed you. You've still got it. Then by your orders, enjoy the show." Uncle Alucard gleefully laughed before hanging up

"You know he'll kill everyone." Integra muttered

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