The Grand High Vampire pt.2

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Vlad P.O.V

The night was just getting worse. I mean it would just be Dad's luck that he manages to get into more trouble before dawn. Morai was furious over the GHV death & summounded everyone to the throne room. We all stood in a line & waited for him to make the next move. Mum was nervous & kept muttering what I assumed was a strong of curses under her breath. 

"The Grand High Vampire was a cunning vicious predator. The perfect vampire & now you Count Dracula have murdered him." He accused dad. Dad just grumbled & waved him off in response.

"The only murder in this room is you." Robin intervened as he popped out of his hiding spot.  We were all shocked & watched him approach Morai

"What?" He laughed

"You heard me. It happened at midnight. You waited by the clock until it chimed & staked him when his back was turned. Then you dropped the stake off in a corner before leaving. I saw you kill him." Robin explained

"But, Morai was with me. Are you sure about the time?" I added

"Positive." He quickly replied before pointing at the clock

"The clock chimed. They were over here. They must of had a fight & knocked the clock over." He recalled

"It stopped at midnight exactly." I noticed

"Ha, the stinking breather has made a mistake." Morai laughed

"It's hard to mistake a guy with a helmet for a face. Oh wait, don't tell me, you carry a spare one." Robin jabbed

"Actually, I do. And, I gave it to him." He countered, pointing at Renfield who was just entering for cleaning

"Renfield, spill." mum growled as she & Dad glared at him

"Justice Morai asked me to polish his spare battle helmet. Ready for the fight at midnight. Well, at least that's what I think he said. And when I got back, the helmet was gone." He recalled

"And then what happened?" Robin asked

"Someone stole it." I guessed

"Pretending to be him." Robin pieced together

"And murdered the Grand High Vampire." Will smiled

"Cool." Ingrid chuckled

"Not cool. Vamp on vamp violence is the ultimate crime & I will search this castle from battlement to crypt until I find the feindish murderer." Morai snapped

"Starting with your rooms, Count & Countess Dracula." He threatened

We followed him to Mum's bedroom. The guard's let him pass. But, they didn't allow him to touch things. Mum & Dad held onto Sola & Eclipsa as he barked orders. Everything was being moved around for signs of his helmet. But, the room was clean. The twins were handed back to the nurses. He angrily stormed out for their crypt.

In here, he let out his frustration. He was trummaging through every drawer & tossing their clothing around. He even knocked over chests as if it could fit underneath. 

"You're wasting your time. There's nothing here." I sighed

"Oh, really. Then what do you call this." He snarkily replied as he sniffed a perfume bottle

"Garlic perfume." Morai questioned

"I bought that ages ago for my ex. I forgot to give it." He answered

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя