Valentines day

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Vlad P.O.V

Mum & Dad were finally on speaking terms after months of awkward silence. I think my dream world scare brought them closer together. They had slowly started spending time after that incident. Things seemed to be fine with them on better terms. Both of them seemed less stressed which was important for mum.

She was 6 months along & was waddling like a penguin. Everyone laughed as she walked around the castle. She took the jokes well & laughed along with us. The nursery was finally done & mum inspected everything to double-check. I was impressed that dad could make something safe instead of a torture device. Now, we were back to our normal routines.

~ next morning ~

"So we're agreed. Whatever we do let's make sure Dad doesn't know that tomorrow's..." I re-stated before getting interrupted by dad

"Valentines, my favourite feast day! And I put in a special order for a flavoursome female." Dad giddily exclaimed before noticing the covered tray to his right

He lifted the tray up, expecting his valentine order. But, he got Renfield dressed as a woman with a wig & makeup. The sight made everyone gag. Luckily, mum was still sleeping in so she didn't have this stamped into her memory too.

"Renfield! I asked for a delectable lady not pox-ridden gnome in a wig." Dad scoffed before snapping his fingers to push the cart away. Renfield crashed into the wall & struggled to get out after being tipped over

"What's all the fuss about now." Mum sarcastically said as she teleported in

"Just in time to remind Dad about the no biting rule." I replied as she gave everyone a kiss on the head

"Oh that one plus a dozen more." She rolled her eyes

"Oh come' on Maria, it's valentines. And I'm feeling lucky." Dad pleaded

"You'll have to be in your condition. How long has it been since you last bit a breather." Ingrid challenged

"She has a point. The last person you tried got you with pepper spray & an air horn. You haven't had the best luck." Mum reminded him as she massaged his shoulders

"Exactly. Bet you can't even bite Mrs. Branagh." Ingrid agitated him despite Mum's glares

"Oh that woman. I could have her warmed up in seconds and any woman in the village for that matter." Dad grandiosely claimed

"Yeah, yeah. You're all mouth & no fangs." Ingrid pushed

"You dare challenge the Prince of Darkness!" Dad threatened

"yeah, and?" Ingrid questioned which finally made Dad storm off

"Nice one, Ingrid." I lamented

"You can sand down the nursery furniture & sew up a few cushions after school." Mum punished her

"Aghhh, mum." Ingrid moaned, knowing there was no way to finesse her way out

Mum smirked before going after dad. We all left to go to school. Ingrid walked faster since she was mad. I picked up Robin & filled him in on my dad.

"So you really think that my mum might be in danger again?" Robin irritatedly asked

"Valentine's Day brings out the worst in my dad. The pregnancy has made my mum eviler so she might not stop him." I explained

"And everyone else." He pondered as we saw Ingrid's mob, "It's a load of rubbish if you ask me."

"Fools. There's no way I'm falling for it." I agreed before we were stopped by a pretty girl

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin