Leaving Stokely

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Maria P.O.V

It had been 3 weeks since Ingrid became the new Countess. She was terrorising Stokely & the surrounding towns. Young vampires enjoyed her bloodrage & flocked to the castle. A few foolishly tried attacking me due to my scent. I dusted them with ease, helping to reassert my dominance. But, I kept the babes securely locked away in my room.

The chaos was attracting slayers. My hunts got complicated as I got a few stakes my way. The Slayers Guild weren't making any exceptions & officially wrote me off for slaying. I stayed in which was a good call as I found a few trying to sneak in for Vlad. As if I needed more drama, The Queen was annoyed with her antics as well. She was giving me a few days to deal with Ingrid before ordering Integra to "contain" her.

I needed to get us out of town before things got worse. But, I couldn't risk angering Ingrid. I played my part of the supportive mother. She trusted me & gave me a lot of leeway around the castle. Between that & her night hunts, I coordinated an escape with Integra. In a few days, I would use the blood mirror to escape to the HQ. They got to work on preparing my mirror there.

Vlad had woken up 2 weeks into Ingrid's reign. I kept him hidden in the alcove. It was magically silenced so Ingrid had no idea he was there. I could relay my plan to him in peace. He felt better knowing we would be leaving soon. He also filled me in on his training with the old GHV during his comma. He was only getting a small taste of his powers. It was clear that he needed to be trained once we escaped. I tried to cheer him up about his new change in his life. But, he still hated what this meant. The humanish life he loved was gone forever in one night.

I kept our human friends at a distance. I made excuses that we were sick to prevent them from coming over. The nighttime violence kept everyone indoors. They called often to check-in & wish us well. It hurt lying to them especially Eric & Jano. But, I needed to disappear ASAP. I focused on slowly sending our stuff through the mirror & teleporting the larger furniture.

After delicate planning, the day was finally here. I kept to my normal routine as everything was ready & packed up. I had the kids waiting in the alcove. The servants & guards waited in my room to escort them once Ingrid left to hunt. While I looked calm, I was anxious for her to leave since the sun had already set.

"Mum, I'm going out for a bite. You're in charge while I'm gone. I'll bring you back something." She announced as her court got up

"Wonderful. Be careful." I smiled

She gave a grin before flying out. The throne room cleared out as a few lingered in the crypts. I waited for them to join her a few moments. With the castle clear, I sent Zoltan to alert the others. I used magic to reveal my catsuit & coat.

"It's about time. I'm drying out over here." Vlad whined as I neared the cage

"Patience is a virtue." I glared

"Not this time." He huffed as I hovered over the puck to disable it

"One bad cut & you're toast mister." I reminded him

"Finally you shut it." I laughed as I made it to the wiring

I concentrated hard as I followed the wires for the battery. With the right wire, I carefully wedged my blade between the others, angling my target on the edge. A short upward flick cut the thin wire & left the other deadly options intact. I held onto the puck as the rays sputtered before depowering. I slipped it into my inner pocket as I returned to the ground.

"Now, to flay that scheming brat alive." He growled

"No! You're getting out to look after Vladdy & the twins. I'll deal with Ingrid." I ordered as I dragged him to the blood mirror. With our age & power differences, he couldn't fight back.

The Lost Countess (Book 2) (Count Dracula fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя