Eclipse Tomfoolery

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Vlad P.O.V

We left a week after the christening. I was sad to leave but knew they'd visit us too. Dad quickly made us babysit so Mum could rest as much as possible. Ingrid hated it but didn't want to cause a fight. Luckily, mum only let us do it for a few days. Ingrid was thrilled to be free.

Everyone was being as peaceful as possible. But, the streak couldn't last long. With her freedom, Ingrid wanted a night alone with her boyfriend. Dad went crazy when he heard he try to leave the throne room. I took shelter under the table with Zoltan.

"Ungrateful spawn. I'll banish you to the darkest pits of hades." Dad threatened as Ingrid sat down

"Yeah. Well bring it on!" Ingrid challenged as she tried to leave

"You'll never see the light of day again." He threatened

"I won't anyway. I'm a vampire now." She reminded him. He frustratedly broke a plate which Ingrid copied as they encircled each other.

"Ingrid, do you know what happened to the last daughter who challenged me." Dad said

"Mum won't let you do a thing." Ingrid scoffed

"I have final say in who you date. I say vampires & breathers do not date!" Dad threatened

"Well, they do now." Ingrid argued before dad blocked the doors with the sofa

"You set one fang outside this castle & your death won't be worth living." He swore

"Enough!" Mum bellowed as she materialised from the shadows

"Dad's overreacting about me seeing Will." Ingrid complained

"You think that's overreacting. I'll give you overreacting." Dad smirked before yelling & causing a bigger storm

"Stop it before I lose my hearing! You want the police knocking on our door." She ordered before someone ironically knocked

We all froze & mum motioned for me to answer the door. I went to answer & saw the worst sight. An officer was waiting which made me slam the door shut. He turned around to knock again, forcing me to answer.

"Sorry about that. We're uuh getting it fixed." I covered up

"PC Bran Stokely Police. Your mum or dad in?" He asked as they argued in the background

"Ah, yeah. No, no. My mum is really sick & my dad left to get medicine." I lied as their screaming intensified

"Know when he'll be back?" He asked

"Tonight. Late tonight." I replied, hoping they'd quiet down

"Is everything alright in there?" He asked, nearly coming in

"Yeah, yeah. Renfield turn down that television!" I lied. It seemed to work when Dad got muzzled

"I'll stop by tomorrow then. Is 1 o'clock good?" He replied

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled

"Oh one more thing. Have you seen this man?" He asked while showing a picture of a man in a bright yellow & black beanie

"Uh, no. Why?" I briefly chuckled before paranoia set in

"He's missing." He replied which terrified me. I quickly shut the door to interrogate Dad.

"That was a policeman." I glared as I found them, minus Ingrid, in the throne room

"And what did this policeman want?" Dad sighed

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