The Grand High Vampire pt.1

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~ 7 months later ~

Maria P.O.V

Millennium had nearly destroyed London along with Glasgow & Belfast. It showed how deeply entrenched they were in the British government. With a lot of patience, they had nearly brought the UK to its knees. But, they underestimated Hellsing's stubbornness & my family's intervention. We quickly got to work on restoring the country.

The major cities were the priority over the countryside. It took 4 months to get the government buildings, major residential & industrial areas into decent shape. The next 3 months were spent on beautifying the areas before moving onto commercial districts.

While the cities were quickly restored, people were hesitant to move back in. The public was told that it was a horrible terrorist attack. Survivors were mind-wiped to believe the cover story. It was hard convincing them or others to come back in droves. Security was in high gear to assure the few incoming families that everything was fine. If they were happy, we hoped that word would spread & more would come.

The Queen gave Integra & I the Victoria Cross. The ceremony was held at my family's castle since their castles were being repaired. It was then that I negotiated Pip & Walter's roles. Pip was easy to integrate into the team & part of my clan as David's progeny. He would remain our head of security but was also designated as a hunter. Walter was much harder to advocate for.

Despite having Alucard's blood, there were concerns over his loyalty. He was the last creation of the Nazi doctor. It took lengthy debating & grovelling from Integra & I. She agreed to restricted movement & responsibilities. He could only hunt under Alucard's supervision. She hoped that the sire bond would keep him in check.

For now, I was enjoying being home. Things were quiet for now so I felt fine with handing control back to Integra. But, I still looked over a few files just in case. I had earned a long vacation. Everyone was glad to have me back. This time we were sent back with guards & servants. Ingrid's boyfriend came to live with us also. He was like an evil mini-her now. Vlad was furious about that & took every moment to ridicule him. But, Ingrid managed to reverse his plans. They were back to being at each other's throats. The nurses were great help with the twins while I wrangled those two.

Today was a nice boring weekend so Robin came over. He was excited to see the twins. He wanted to see their fangs but didn't get lucky. After seeing us, he returned to the throne room to play games with Vlad. They were playing slewdo & were having fun until Vlad joined. Like every game, he tried to cheat & burned the evidence when they called his bluff. I would've stayed in my room but Renfield began panicking over the Grand High Vampire. I ordered my ladies to stay with the kids before teleporting to the room. I had arrived right as the doors were being opened. Poor Robin got shoved into a corner by the bookshelf as the only exit was now blocked.

"Aah, your Grandness. What an unexpected honour." Vlad nervously greeted as we quickly approached him

He looked furious which sent my mind racing about possible complaints. Atilla & Crone were my 1st suspects. This could be revenge for a number of reasons or most likely just for kicks. His presence caused the room to drop to icy temperatures, even for me. I found it very hard to breathe. Vlad was just as nervous. If he had a pulse, he probably would've given himself a heart attack.

"This isn't a social call, Dracula's." He growled as he slammed his staff down, causing the whole building to quake

"We are here on official business." He stated

"We?" I asked

"Justice Morai!" He yelled, slamming his staff twice

A man in a red leather suit with a bull helmet backflipped into the room. He began performing a serious of flips & martial arts moves around the room. He finally settled on the table for his finishing stance. With high ground, he stared down at us.

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