Twice as your..

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Twice as your school bully while having a crush on you


-Pulls your hair 'cause she wants to feel how soft it is

-Loves flirting with you just to annoy you

- Tries not to go overboard with the bullying


-Takes your stuff

-Disturbing you in class 24/7

-Only because she loves seeing your cute angry face


-Shy bully 

-Occasionally trips you and what not

-Secretly very supportive of anything you do


-Hoho pickup lines 24/7

-Always seducing you 

-More of the player kind of bully


-Lightly slapping your cheek

-Likes to trace your bottom lip 

-Really loves slamming you into your locker


-Hates seeing you hurt

-Bullies other kids to show you how 'badass' she is

-But kind of shy around you


-softie dubu 

-Her definition of bullying is lightly pushing you and you don't get affected at all

-Thinks she's really tough but actually a lil fluff ball


-Glaring at you whenever your eyes meet

-But adores you from a distance when you aren't looking

-Secretly your protector like she doesn't let anyone bad mouth you or anything


-Savage bully, always roasting you

-Sarcastic comments but behind those words she's complimenting and fan girling over you

-Doesn't get physical

A/N: extremely random thought but like 

Have you ever wondered when books use "Y/N" it's like there's only one Y/N in all of wattpad and Y/N is basically cheating on everybody and Y/N doesn't even have a definite gender and Y/N is being thrown into different scenarios and Y/N has multiple personalities 

In conclusion Y/N is suffering from disorders

I'm just kidding it's just a random thought that came up

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